'Culture of Allowance' in April

'Culture of Allowance' in April

Apr 13, 2024

“Process not Product”

This is a mantra that is often used at Forest School.

And one that is the reverse of the mainstream schooling system focused on standardised testing.

This simple phrase is recognising that the unique play process each individual is going through, personally directing at their own rate and in their own way for their own reasons is what is of greatest importance – it is this process that develops them holistically and constructs the person they become.

This process is not always fun, or happy, or easy. In fact, the tougher, more uncomfortable and risky the experience, the more transformative it is.

As Forest School practitioners we are here to facilitate this process for the individuals we work with. Accepting individuals for who they are and their unique play process as it comes, without expectations of outcomes or wanting to change them or the process.

This is a ‘Culture of Allowance’.

Having people around us who accept us unconditionally without judgement, who don’t try to change our emotional state or control what we do and how we do it is incredibly powerful. Imagine how safe it feels to know that you are accepted for who you are regardless of what you do, how successful you are at things or what you know.

Yet, in our modern judgemental education system this acceptance is incredibly rare.

The expectations of the system are causing our children to feel unsafe, pressurised and stressed out – and we are seeing that expressed in their behaviours.

Let’s help the kids feel safe enough to be themselves and learn again.

Let’s co-create a ‘culture of allowance’

Forest School can be a place to unconditionally value every individual, without any expectations or ‘desired outcomes’ – so they can feel seen, heard and understood.

Imagine the effect this could have of the lives of the children you work with…

Connected people feel safe to explore, are curious about life, express themselves authentically, listen to others stories, empathise, become truly helpful and are motivated to learn.

If you would like to explore how we can co create a ‘culture of allowance’ as a cultural element to support deep nature connection at Forest School, join us for our next Community Connection Call (CCC):

April CCC - ‘Culture of Allowance’ – Tuesday 16th April 2024, 8-9.15pm (UK time)

Register for free -

Join us live online to connect, chat, share (and laugh!) with other groovy Forest School folk. 


Wishing you many Springtime Adventures

Lou & Lily-Roe


P.S. If you are new to Jon Youngs work and the ‘Cultural Elements’ here is a 20 minute video introducing the model - https://youtu.be/Oo-HyjwrsLM?si=JLNXNU-XFM1bsrlQ


P.P.S. If you’re curious to experience deep nature connection and living as a ‘village’ there is a ‘Nature Culture Connection Camp’ happening in the UK this Summer. Find out more here - https://natureculturenetwork.org/connection-camp/ 

P.P.P.S. Need some help getting decision-makers on board to invest in your Forest School programmes? Join me for my free live lecture ‘Evaluate to Advocate’ on Monday 22nd April -

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