“We Need To Talk” - O’Suzanna, Da Best!

“We Need To Talk” - O’Suzanna, Da Best!

Jun 18, 2023

… Yes, An Other One Who Qualify As Da Best, Besides Ashley, Blue, MH, Detroiter, CH, Dawn, Nathan, Lupin, Linda, Laura Plus Everyone. .


6 days agoYou (Acid PopArtist)

Good morning to all non grandpa POSITIVES AND PATRIOTS - I’m of age so it’s a metaphor

Music to my ears




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  • 6 days agoO’Suzanna

    Good Day to you Acid Rock...good 🗞️ 📣news coming out every day.. if some of the sleepers are getting confused... it's a start huh.... Love that we can even get the good news from Christian💙 "YEAH MAN"🎶🎵🎼 hahaha.. sending tons of great vibes to you Sir💙💙💙👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰


  • 6 days agoYouO’Suzanna

    hello Lovely O’Suzanna!! All this time you thought I’m a sir?? Ha Ha Ha 😇🪭🏓💙🪴😆Can’t stop laughing. Unless you are trying to play it down as to not make me a bigger target of the Power That Were. I’m not even a FTM : ))) Its my lack of manners, huh?? I don’t blame you.



  • 6 days agoO’SuzannaYou

    No, no, no,, I think you deserve to be called Sir! It's a good thing...and I knew you were a " real man" cuz I saw your pic on your channel & your Advatar name sounded All Man! I hate when I'm unsure IF I'm talking to a man or woman when their names don't tell. Most if the time I can figure it out,..... eventually & sometimes I've been answering the wrong way thinking they're opposite of what they are lol. Oh Well, can be tricky. Take good care "Artist 👩‍🎨 MAN💙💙💙 [show less]


  • 6 days agoYouO’Suzanna

    Your THE Best. I knew I can count on you to know how to talk to a true lady. I was never girlie much less mean girls. Ignorant sure and a bit angry and whiny but who can blame us. I had two brothers. I’m the last one of the series / family.

    Incidentally I dreamt of Madonna yesterday. In the dream she was her younger self, pure at that and a lovely smile with different teeth and like a fine sister. It was another reality, not 3D I suppose. But the dream consisted mainly of seeing her face, nothing to do with what we know of her. Maybe what attracted Jean-Michel BASQUIAT to her at first, during their golden days before the system ate them both up albeit in opposite fashion. Or just mirroring their respective personalities God forbid.

    📦📦📦🪴☀️🥳❤️🔵⛅️🟣 I’m packing all my belongings again and moving out having been a headache lately to the owners not being able to pay the rent for few months in a row : ) I temporarily solved that question but I’m not welcome anymore here which is fine by me because I always expect a better deal following. In the meantime I’m welcome back home. It’s just that we have to restructure everything over there too but at last there is the willpower and that’s great. Hope to get some real good news on my end but if not I will cost much less to everyone at least. I know how to live with peanuts now : )))



  • 6 days agoO’SuzannaYou

    Hi.. it's me again... AcidPop.. we have to talk...🤓🤓🤓 I'm so friggin confused & dumb! Hahaha.. & so glad you have a great sense of humor.., NOW I know why things sounded a lil off in our posts. I DId think you were a male! Up to this VERY minute I did think you were male. I ass-umed & put Both feet in my 👄 mouth.. OMG!
    No wonder you're laughing so hard. I saw a partial/photo on your profile/page & what lil bit you showed I thought you were a guy... and texting doesnt help, SO much gets lost in the meanings. This is a whole NEW VERSION OF " Who's on First". This is a prime example of what happens when you don't know exactly what sex you're talking to. No one has to guess mine. Please forgive me, & I love you for laughing about this.
    My heart goes out to you, I knew you were struggling... it truly is ONLY going to get better for you WOMAN! Hahah.. I'm soooooooo dumb hahaha I wish everything beautiful & wonderful for you. With your beautiful soul & high vibes you can't do nothing but win! Do you forgive me🫣🫢🥸🥰 [show less]

    Edited 6 days agoReply·70·Mute·Flag

  • 5 days agoYou O’Suzanna

    Forgive you? For being a straight shooter, no question asked? How could I? You always keep us happy and make me/us laugh. I love your positivity, big heart and enthusiasm. I’m not offended to be called a man because I believe it’s a compliment and frankly the idea to bear a child and give birth, I find it unnatural for myself. The torture involved and overall pain and self-mutilation. Plus it’s a risky proposition. Who knows what would come out of your belly. Too many unknowns that only when you are young and innocent one can fall for. I always preferred adoption I remember for many reasons. Love the children of my friends but it’s a full time job and for somebody who never did really grow and was never able to make easy money if at all, an impossible proposition. Having never met my significant other (irl until my later years if you can even call them that, since I found GOD and was open to all kinds of parallel universes and short cuts by opening up to the spirit world - see my long testimony.) To share the burden and wanting the same dream, the whole affair was settled, including marriage itself, not without trying. Thank GOD, I was always protected and even if I didn’t like to lose what I thought was the ultimate, I quickly realised that I was not mature enough to be wife or mother material and I still needed to grow and learn all that matter the most. Otherwise it would be nagging and bickering and probably divorcing. Best friendship is as rewarding and can be a fantastic alternative to loneliness especially when you know true Love. It’s just that for now we are separated from one another. In my case I’m separated from all my friends too, not online, not anymore and this new adventure has been quite a ride and we have plenty of reasons to feel happy about everything we have built personally and collectively and reached thanks to Blue, Crew, and our multidimensional Families and Protectors. The higher the better.

    I even had the audacity to believe and suggest that I was the source of Trump’s foreign policy of reforming China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, And then America, Israel, Christianity and whatnot. If they had read me when I started sending my testimony to America, FOX NEWS at first in 2003 and while I was still In Tehran where I moved in 1992 until 2005 never to return when I became too political and too involved with the world affairs. Born in Belgium, 1960, that’s where I settled afterwards.

    But not to bring more confusion to the subject. Which I already did and it’s too late for that. All in all, what I was doing was warming up, waiting for the full truth to finally come out thanks to voices like Blue’s, Ashayana Dean and lately Christian21 but above all BlueW as the ultimate arbiter and loving and strong backer of all that’s real true and light and sometimes a bit dangerous too. Daring and courageous being the Name of the Game. GOD UNIVERSE SOURCE’S FAVORITE ATTRIBUTES. That’s where HE/THEM can enter the dance too and help in changing the world and our escape back to where we come from after a long sojourn into the wildernesses. And so many stories to tell and hear about again when we’ll have our memories back. Ready for the picking. Glorious days ahead.

    I laugh when Christian feels entitled to claim that he is the most intelligent person on the planet/ship/earth. After making me believe and live the experience and reality of Jesus as mine ours between LOU, JEAN-MICHEL AND ME, I truly felt nobody can top that and no one has a clue as to how horrific I felt and how deep and out of this world the nausea and scare and misery I endured to make sure I accept my supposed truth to then overcome it and decide what to make of it. Which I did and instead of proudly reclaiming this identity/reality , I never stopped praying and wanting it never happened to nobody much less to my most cherished soul brothers

    Then when you hear of what the Reptilians/cabal/Churches/Nazi DS do/did to the little ones, nothing is out of possibilities and considerations which makes this world truly hell and the Illusion often described when spoken about. Not that it minimise the experience. It’s just that there are tricks involved and everybody could escape these abhorrent fates because we do. Before anything becomes untenable. Just like when the flash will hit us. Not to be overly afraid by the initial scare.

    Not to be afraid of nothing in fact. Make the big jump when it is required to jump and see where you’ll land. Up up up, as Dawn says. Well in theory. I want none of it. Too late now, we’re just happy all bad dreams and memories are behind us and to never have to relive those sob stories would be a delight.

    Do not worry, dear Suzanna I’m dumb too. Trust me on that. Why the cabal has no use for the likes of us.

    Much love to you and CHRISTIAN 2. I’m not gonna do my Marla and complain that CH never cared about the whereabouts of his big portrait I painted. Still unfinished but a cool portrait IT IS

    🔴💙⚪️🥰 [show less]


  • 5 days agoO’SuzannaYou

    WOW! You are so friggin interesting ! And what a life story you live. I love how funny you are & adore ppl w a great sense of humor! But after finally figuring out who the hell you are ( make or female ).. we'll call it a truce & decide you're just a "TomBoy" eh! Did you ever think of ✍️ writing a 📕 book, truly.
    Well, honestly, I love you more & more by the minute. There's truth in you Artists being complicated, albeit not one iota of boring 🤪🤪. I love you my interesting, never boring friend. I wish you much love & everything wonderful to happen to you !🌸🌺🌷🌹💜💜💜😘😘😘 [show less]


  • 5 days agoAsh.leyYou

    Beautiful, truly wonderfully beautiful 💗 a beautiful soul you are and a great pleasure! Much love honey buns 💗💗💗💗🥰🤗😘


  • 5 days agoYouO’Suzanna

    Thank you, beloved O’Suzanna. Love YOU! Love your feedback. (I’m glad we talked : ))) 🥳🥰🔘✖️⛅️💙💜❤️

    Edited 5 days agoReply·30·Edit·Delete

  • 5 days agoYouAsh.ley

    Thank you so very much, Cool Beautiful Ashley for your positive always light and loving comment(s). I appreciate every word you wrote and write.
    Kiss and hugs to you and your little ones. Growing fast I’m sure. THANK YOU


  • 5 days agoO’SuzannaYou



  • 5 days agoYouO’Suzanna

    I Love You Very Much, Milady

    (More news and comments from the other day, not earth shaking but always something to add when I jump into the conversation I’ll say : ))


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