Silver Friend-Fiona Mwangala

Silver Friend-Fiona Mwangala

Nov 09, 2022

Sliver friend- Fiona Mwangala

I've been told time after time that this was bad

And overall it generally made people sad

When things get too out of hand

I grab my magic wand

And so I cut and cut with my trusty friend 

Or so to speak my silver blade

To you, it may sound dumb

But it helps me stay a little numb

Even though I might end up dead

For me, It would be a happy end

I'll sing and dance in the bowels of hell

Smiling quite wide as I come out of my shell

Some might think I'm rather mad

But dancing in hell made me rather glad

So sadly in the end I made my bed

And now I lie with my silver friend who I gladly wed.


(I hope you guys enjoyed this little poem I wrote along time ago when I was going through some difficult things. I would never endorse any self harm but this is just how I felt at that time.

if you are someone who struggles with self harm please speak out to someone or send me a message and we can chat.

From now on I’ll be posting my own poems and I hope someone out there will find them enjoyable. Have a lovely rest of your day😊)

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