The Python Equivalent of LabVIEW Produce ...

The Python Equivalent of LabVIEW Producer-Consumer Architecture

Jun 02, 2024

In a previous post, we explored the "Hello World" of LabVIEW with a state machine architecture. Now, let's delve into another powerful programming paradigm: the Producer-Consumer architecture.This pattern is particularly useful for scenarios requiring real-time data processing and visualization, and we'll demonstrate its implementation using Python and Flask.

What is the Producer-Consumer Architecture?

The Producer-Consumer architecture is a design pattern where one producer thread generates data and places it into a queue, while one consumer thread processes data from that queue. This decouples data generation from data processing, allowing both to run concurrently without blocking each other.

Why Use Producer-Consumer?

  • Efficiency: Producers can keep generating data while consumers process it, leading to better utilization of system resources.

  • Scalability: Multiple producers and consumers can be added to scale the system as needed.

  • Separation of Concerns: The architecture clearly separates data generation from data processing, making the system easier to manage and maintain.

  • Synchronization: Often producer threads are tightly coupled to hardware time events, while consumers run with UI timings and tend to be more jittery. The opposite can happen as well, for data generation applications where the producers are loading big chunks of data from disk and consumers are generating waveforms on hardware time.

Implementing Producer-Consumer with Python and Flask

In our practical example we generate random data, filter it, and visualize it in real-time using Python and Flask. The exact same functionality is proposed in LabVIEW 2018 as well to make it easier to draw a parallel between the two languages.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

First, ensure you have Flask and other necessary libraries installed:

Step 2: Import and Initialization Section

The import section will look like this:

Initialize variables and set up resources for multithreading.

Variable initialization and setup resources for multithreading. Here we can start drawing a parallel between Labview and Python.

Step 3: Setting up Producer and Consumer

In our example, the producer generates one sample every 10ms to simulate a 'fixed hardware time' data generation process.

In our example, the consumer checks if the queue contains a suitable amount of data, 100 samples, to proceed with filtering and displaying processes. It should be noted that the LabVIEW version does not need to handle data visualization because it is 'native in the language,' while using Flask requires an extra queue to move processed data towards the web interface. Essentially, there is another queue to hand off data between the consumer and the web front-end, which is not needed in the LabVIEW implementation

Step 4: Providing Flask Endpoints

We provide four Flask endpoints that will require an HTML counterpart, plus the last one needed to load the webpage.

/data uses Matplotlib to generate a PNG picture equivalent to the LabVIEW graph that will be loaded onto the Flask webpage.

/queue_status is responsible for updating the data queue size and filtered data queue size information on the webpage.

/start and /stop handle the corresponding events from the webpage to the core application.

Step 5: Launch the Main App

While in LabVIEW the existence of multiple threads is essentially a language feature due to its graphical representation, in Python, launching two threads from the main application and ensuring all the plumbing of queues and events is properly handled requires a few lines of code.


By implementing the Producer-Consumer architecture, we've created a robust system for real-time data generation and processing. This example showcases how Python and Flask can be used to build a scalable, efficient, and interactive web application. Leveraging the power of threading and queueing, you can handle complex data workflows seamlessly. Happy coding!

Download and Play

At the price of 2 coffees, you can download a zip file with both Python and LabVIEW implementations and have fun learning one language from the other.

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  1. Producer-Consumer in LabVIEW: Learn about the Producer-Consumer architecture in LabVIEW, which provides an introduction to the design pattern and its benefits in real-time applications.

    National Instruments - Producer/Consumer Design Pattern

  2. How Do I Build A Producer/Consumer Architecture for DAQmx in Python?
    NI KB on DAQmx producer consumer in python.

  3. Introduction to Flask: Flask is a micro web framework for Python, enabling developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently.

    Flask Documentation

  4. Understanding State Machines in LabVIEW: This article provides a foundation in state machine architecture in LabVIEW, which is useful for understanding complex control flows.

    Buy Me a Coffee - The Python Equivalent of LabVIEW Hello World: State Machine

By using these resources, you can deepen your understanding of both the Producer-Consumer architecture and the Flask framework, enhancing your ability to develop sophisticated real-time data processing applications.

This post used some help from Chatgpt-4o

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