Rolando Comon
82 sostenitori
Why do we need to be Brave?

Why do we need to be Brave?

Feb 07, 2023

Today I want to share to you the Teachings of the Diwatang Anlabban of the Isneg Indigenous People which can be found at the North Western End of Northern Luzon that populate Apayao province. The name Isneg is derived from 2 words "is" which means recede, to move or to go; and the word "uneg" which means inside or within.

From the collective name of these people, we are already encouraged to go within and learn from inside us as the name "ISUNEG or ISNEG" means to go within ourselves. The Isneg people are also known as one of the bravest headhunters of the North, and these people does not hunt head because of territorial disputes but rather for wrong doings and misdeeds.

According to the Panau Wen or council of elders, the ultimate goal of man is to become a Kamengalan which means to become the bravest of the brave. But why do we need to be brave? Let me share to you our vlog regarding this topic which is spoken in Tagalog.

Before filming this video, I ask my self what is the Difference between Bravery and Courage. As you may know that I am the Author of the Ladder of Peace Prayer and i was not able to write the word Bravery in that prayer. If you will ask, what the peace prayer is all about? Then i am writting it down here that you may pray together with me. And the prayer goes:

There is one Power in the Universe!

And I am the perfect Manifestation of that power;

and for as such I pray for Peace!

I pray for Peace!

I pray for Love!

and I pray for Stability!

I pray that all the people around the world to embrace Peace!

Peace that promotes Justice;

Justice that follows Discipline and Orderliness;

Discipline and Orderliness as a result of Understanding;

Understanding as a product of Knowledge;

and Knowledge as a Fruit from the seeds of Love.

Oh Great Supreme Divine Spirits!

I pray before you to bless as with Courage;

Courage that will make love and peace overcome all forms of evil,

fear, hatred, terror, violence, warfare and worries around the world.

By the power of Love that give us life, Peace Prevails on Earth!

May all the inhabitants of Mother Earth enjoys the blessings of Love!

May all the people around the world be blessed with Peace!

As we create and manifest this in our life,

through our unified will with aiming no harm to anyone and in full gratitude to the Divine!

We accept and receive this!

And it is so! So mote it be!

But as years move on in praying this, it reminds me also to pray for strength specially during the time i got stroke, almost all aspect of my being get weak and wanted to give up everything. But I am glad that the Diwata have picked me up and place me on tract again to walk the path of our Race in order to complete the mission that have been bestowed unto me in Building the Temple of the Diwata.

Yes we are about to build it and not rebuild it as our old Babaylan were conquered by our colonizers and destroyed what they have started to build. And now, we in these last days, will set forth a new Beginning in Rebirthing the ways of our ancestors not through conversion or membership to any religion but instead in Remembering our selves being one in the Path of our Race.

And our work here in Filipino Magick is not a work of proselyting and converting, but we only work in Reminding you of who you really are. As one student have told me that we serve as an Alarm Clock that wakes up the consciousness of people who are Spiritually Sleeping; we also serve as Spiritual Detoxifiers that removes the venom of the modern religion and manghihilot that will nourish back your own individual powers.

And now as we met the Diwatang Anlabban, we have been encouraged to pray also for Bravery.

So let us pray Again:

Oh Great Supreme Divine Spirit of the Diwatang Anlabban,

Bless us all your Children with Courage, Strength and Bravery

that through your blessings we may endure to overcome

all forms of Evil, Fear, Hatred, Terror, Violence, Warfare and Worries

that Your Everlasting Peace and Love prevails around the world.

Mayari na! PagAsatin!

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