The first GPT test

The first GPT test

Dec 15, 2023

CTI GPT canary test

I invite you to another test. I have created my first own GPT model in chatGPT, which checks the danger of one or more URLs in a free and a Small Business subscription package. This is a basic model, which will later become a CTIGPT. In the free membership, you can have 10 questions, which can still be easily tricked by claiming you've already registered when it asks you to. Registration should not mean immediate payment, the first 10 questions are free. Test both the ability to deceive and the registered free use.

If you want, you can also register for the paid membership, but it will gradually expand with features.

Choosing the paid tier means a live subscription.

Here is the model.

I appreciate all feedback and please support the development, be a member.

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