Nov 26, 2023

Defense against constantly evolving online threats poses an increasing challenge. In this environment, I introduce the AI-powered Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) chat robot I developed, an innovative tool that approaches cybersecurity in a unique way.

This system offers users the capability to check IP addresses, URLs, and email addresses, as well as analyze .eml email source files. Additionally, the robot can analyze screenshots containing URLs, IP addresses, and email addresses, extending its protection to visual content.

Utilizing generative AI techniques, the robot actively participates in early identification of phishing attempts. The chat-based interface allows for simple and quick communication, while the system stays up-to-date with the latest security data.

Now, I present an exciting opportunity: a brief one-week trial period during which everyone can try out the system for free. The robot's purpose goes beyond providing informative answers; it also aims to educate users in recognizing and preventing emerging threats. The extensive functionality, including the analysis of .eml files and screenshots, signifies a significant advancement in cybersecurity. I look forward to valuable feedback during the trial period, as together we contribute to the security of the online environment.

👉 You can try it here.

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