[ANNOUCEMENT] For Long Time FVT Fans, HE ...


Feb 06, 2021


Happy 2021!

In a post pandemic world, what has changed for you?

Many things have changed for me : some major, some small, and most, personal.

I wish I can chat with you face to face.

I wish I can personally say thank you to all of you who have supported Faithy Vanity Table in any way, all through these 6 years.

This February, Faithy Vanity Table celebrates its 6th blog anniversary.

Wow, it's been a wild ride with you all! I'd always wanted to write more, to create more, but my time/resources and attention span tapered off as the years glided past... I think most of you know I am in teaching, juggling between multiple small businesses and passion projects, volunteering at mental health sites (online & local), and FVT has always been just a side hustle - one that takes up a significant part of my time.

But this year 2021, THINGS WILL CHANGE.

Faithy Vanity Table will be revamped. Not just a website design theme change or whatever small stuff. 


image Faithy Vanity Table pivots to another platform that welcomes more likeminded individuals!

Since you are already here on Buy Me A Coffeeyou already know that this site is for creators to share their passion and creations, and it's an extremely user-friendly one where communities engage and creators are able to receive appreciation for their efforts via their fans' monetary support. In case you missed the point, you can donate to your favourite creators here!

I am a real happy user because the platform is going to benefit both you and I! When you click the Membership tab, you are gonna see something like below. Read that page to see what you will get when you sign up!


Your time is precious, so I want to give you a brief heads up what this page is all about.

βœ” You can join my exclusive V.I.P. Membership Club that I created for you and for my supporters. You and I are gonna be tight here. πŸ‘Š

 βœ” You will see fresh new content that you have NEVER seen me doing before.

βœ” You will receive LOADS OF FREEBIES when you join the club!

βœ” You have an opportunity to contribute to my craft and help me sustain Faithy Vanity Table.

βœ” You will get to meet and speak to the real me, either LIVE on screen or in person!

ONCE YOU JOIN MY #FVTribe V.I.P Membership Club, you immediately receive:

πŸ’’ Downloadable PDF copy of Kindle ebook I wrote - "DIY Skincare: Your Stay Home Guide to Healthy, Glowing Skin"

πŸ’’ Instant access to all locked members-only reports & articles.

πŸ’’ LIVE 1-1 online coaching call with me on a topic of your interest.

πŸ’’ FREE GIFT of Faith’s handpicked favourite beauty products (worth SGD50) couriered to your Singapore address during your birthday month!

πŸ’’ Automatic added bonus chances of winning the next #FVTgiveaway

πŸŽ—10% of proceeds goes to Samaritans of Singapore as a way to raise mental health awareness in Singapore 

I promise you, #NOFILTER over here. This is a SAFELOCKED SPACE (opened to my supporters only) where I share my most honest thoughts about everything like how a friend does. Topics include but not limited to beauty & health, wellness & mental health, love & relationships, unspoken truths about social media community, SG media industry, airline industry; we can even chat about politics, philosophy, religion if you'll let me! πŸ˜‚ But okay, mainly Beauty, Health & Wellness related topics.

image ☝ What do you think of this as my new logo?

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE OLD BLOG www.faithyvanitytable.blogspot.com?

Nothing will happen, no worries I am not deleting it. I will keep it alive, although it seems more like half dead already now πŸ˜†. In fact, you can expect to see more content there too because I have plans to share more tips and reviews like how I did for the past years; with a key difference that the posts here will be brief and most of my in-depth (long, whiny, raw, unfiltered, both positive and negative, SUPER REAL) thoughts will be shared here instead!

To sign off, share with you something fun...


If you think I look slimmer, fairer, prettier & younger... that's because you're seeing it correctly. πŸ˜ƒ And guess what, I am turning 39 years old in a month.

My appearance and physical health has improved over these few years. And I credit most of this success to exercise, healthier eating habits, an excellent skincare routine and self-awareness. I lost 14 kg in 2018, regained 12 kg after 2 years due to Covid-19 stress, and lost 9kg by end 2020.

Find out how I lost weight here and here

In case you misunderstand, it's not about how one look - it's about how you feel and your quality of life. Journey with me, and let's continue to help one another live out our best versions!

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