Dear FM user,
Following the message sent to all the FM supporters posted a week ago, this is a last call to all the FM supporters who don't have the FM Professional Edition yet.
I'm doing my best to inform all the users of this price change, so they know exactly what will happen on April 1st.
The Standard subsciption will go from 5EUR to 10EUR for a 5 months license and the Professional Edition, will go from 20EUR to 50EUR.
Remember that any value you paid until now accumulates for the 20EUR needed for the Professional Edition, so, if you paid 5EUR, you only need to pay 15EUR. If you paid 10EUR, you only need to pay 10EUR. And so on.
There are many users that paid 15EUR already and are not aware they are only 5EUR away from achieving the FM Professional Edition and a lifetime license.
Please, make sure you upgrade before the April 1st.
I hope you're having a good time with FM.
As usual, I'm here to help, when you need.
Best regards,