A Restful Week

A Restful Week

Sep 01, 2022

As I write, this, we are cowering in the bedroom as an epic thunderstorm rages around us - 50% exciting and 50% scary!

Many local people in Sumatra are quite fearful of thunderstorms - and rightly so. Many houses - particularly those in small villages, have quite basic electricity set-ups that are not properly earthed.

I've heard more than one horror story about people getting zapped sitting too close to power outlets or of fireballs travelling along cables and exploding in houses.

So naturally, at any hint of a storm, we rush around unplugging everything just in case.

These last two weeks have seen a return of rain, which has appeared every day. Most days, it's just the late afternoon or evening showers, but several days have seen all-day rain.

We're not complaining - it's fantastic for our thriving garden and cools things down nicely.

You may have noticed that we had our first non-vlog week this week too. As much as we felt guilty for skipping a week, we both needed a breather. Plus, I had a nasty cold, so we couldn't get out to make a great video!

Hopefully, the one we're working on now will more than make up for it. It's our biggest video to date, and while it's not a vlog about life here, it is a very comprehensive guide covering everything (and then some) you need to know about travelling in Sumatra.

In the larger world of Sumatra, things have been quiet in the news. There was a sizeable earthquake down South, but from what we read, it didn't cause too much damage or take any lives.

For the cat lovers, we're happy to report that our two furbabies are doing well. Mr Floof, the younger kitten, has caught up to Penny in size and they are best friends. He idolises her and has to do whatever it is she's doing in the moment. She poops; he poops. She drinks; he drinks. They are super healthy and enrich our lives hugely.

I've attached a photo of them chilling on the deck below.

That's it for this week, but we'll see you very soon! Don't forget to watch out for our new YouTube video in a few days.

Sampai jumpa lagi (see you soon), Carly and Agung

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