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Drawing Outfits 2

Drawing Outfits 2

Apr 09, 2024

New video going up at 8pm!

I didn't realize it had been so long since I had worked on outfits... I realized I did not like Terk's outfit that I picked for him last year. So I pinterested it! Got some ideas, see 4/7 sketches for different inspirations I got from that.

Finished up the character sheet for Terk! I am really happy with his outfit and hairstyle for now...but I've never been able to settle on his design...We will see how this works out.

I don't usually go with red colors for him, but the pinterest one looked so awesome, that I wanted to go with this one.

I finally looked up how to draw a sword belt.

This may be a novice drawing of it, but it's a start! I think the sword looks better in this one than the Terk vs. Shay one because it's more 3D!

The pin design is a bit more ambiguous for now. I was thinking it could be like the pin of his knight emblem or whatever.

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