we're not asked to bypass any experience, there's no sweeping our wounds under a rug of forgiveness and claiming that we're healed. Forgiveness is feeling our every hurt so deeply that we finally ask for the healing we deserve, one that we've long denied ourselves.
we're now ready to let go.
that's the important first step, asking for the means of our salvation.
and being ready to receive.
what's being asked for is to simply see things another way, not past our wounds, but all the way through them to the point of our original innocence. It's a place that's shared together, where all of us most truly belong. This is where we see the projection of guilt and betrayal, no longer seeking to blame and only wishing to be healed.
it's home.
our original innocence.
and we all reside here.
there's no way to arrive here, it's not a destination. So we're not asking for directions, just for the obscuring clouds of painful memories to part long enough for our clear vision to return. That's it, the entirety of forgiveness - seeing our innocence once more.
clearly so.
remembering that we all belong here...
and that others have forgotten.
Peace, Eric