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LEAVE US A REVIEW ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

May 17, 2022

Podcasting feels like a one way street, we want to hear from YOU! We are an amateur Mom/Daughter team just starting what we thought would be a ‘hobby’ due to our interest in true crime and justice; however, it’s grown into wearing many hats (researching, writing, fact checking, recording, editing (dang, that’s hard) producing, original music….) then launching a new episode every Monday (seems like they should be so much longer after all that work!) Fortunately or unfortunately, we have numerous interesting cases on our docket, but if you have a case suggestion involving DNA or families committing crime together, we would love to hear from you! EnmeshedTrueCrimePodcast@gmail.com

If you wouldn’t mind leaving us a review at:


we would really appreciate the feedback! Leave us your name and address under ‘Contact’ (or send us a message) and we will send you an ENMESHED sticker and give you a SHOUT-OUT in a future episode. Cool, right?

Thank you, we truly appreciate you listening!

(Remember you can leave reviews on SPOTIFY and APPLE PODCASTS as well.)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️image image

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