Is Dating a Waste of Time? | Talk Your H ...

Is Dating a Waste of Time? | Talk Your Head Off

Aug 24, 2021

Topic: Dating

Discussion questions:

1. Describe your idea of an ideal first date? Where would it be? What would you be wearing? What would you be doing? What makes a good first date? Explain.

2. What is your opinion of double or group dates? Explain your answer.

3. Is it a better idea to date someone from your own race, religion, social status, or social circles, or not? Why?

4. How is dating today different from the way it was done in your parents' generation? Explain and provide examples.

5. Opinion: "Dating is a waste of time. Young people should focus on furthering their education and professional skills until they are ready to get married." Do you agree with this opinion or not? Support your answer.

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