Where have I been?

Oct 01, 2021

Well to be honest I had a bit of a mental break from you tube for a while now. I am now focusing on my Etsy store as I await my major surgery for my ostomy. Yes I am loosing my colon well a part of it. If You don't know me or even follow my you tube page this will be very new to you. So let me rewind so you understand my page here more. Hi my name is Megan. I'm 36 I live in Canada and I have a you tube page called Endogirl where I talked about my health struggles with chronic illness. I also Run an etsy shop full time where I sell my handmade jewelry and art work. I am Focusing most of my energy on my etsy page as this is my job and It also keeps me balanced I am an artist and art is very much my therapy. It is also my small business. I have many medical conditions that make it hard for me to have a normal job or a normal life even. But I try my best to make my life my normal. So this page is really going to be about my life, my story, my art and my you tube videos. I want to show my art and I want to show you behind the scenes look as how I do my art. I might even post some diy's. Thank you for supporting me and believing in me.

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