Endings and Not so new beginings

Endings and Not so new beginings

Jan 13, 2023

Dion and Lola's story is almost at an end, have you enjoyed it? There's only a few more chapters and we will find out if they get their happily ever after. Fingers crossed they do hey.

I wanted to pop in and give you an update on His PRETEND MATE. King is still remaining stubbornly quiet so I am going to start something fresh and new for all of you, starting Monday/Tuesday. Maybe King will start behaving in Feb.

And talking about Feb, I have a surprise for you all. It's not Dionysus Rising or Savage son shaped, this gentleman is very much Judge shaped.... oh dammit , surprise ruined hahaha. But there it is. Feb you will get reintroduced to The Judge... You remember him right?

I think that's all the gossip I have for you right now. Until tomorrow my loves!

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