5 Reasons Why It Will Pay You to Use sto ...

5 Reasons Why It Will Pay You to Use stoic. Now

Apr 27, 2022

stoicism: the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint.

The moment you wake up is the first, and perhaps only, time you can set the tone for the rest of your day.

Without a solid daily plan that turns your actions into positive feelings and achievements, the rest of your day (and life) may as well be wasted time. So, from a productivity and efficiency standpoint, organizing every day is a critical skill.

The better organized your day, the better your odds of feeling fulfilled and achieving your personal and professional goals. This article will provide you with five reasons (maybe even more) that’ll have you start using stoic. in no time. And yes, in case you are wondering, I paid an annual subscription fee (after the seven-day free trial period) to use this app every day. It has been one of the best investments I've made for myself this year. Over the last three months, I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, and I skipped some sections in the app every now and then. But I always keep coming back to it. Do not expect miracles out of this app without putting in the effort.

Now, let’s begin.

Reason #1:

stoic. Makes Getting Organized for the Day Hassle-Free

It's normal to wake up having no clue what you will do with your time, apart from your obligations such as studies, work, or parenting. We have all been there. If only we had someone to help us get organized, right? With stoic., you have this covered. You need to set up the time you would like to start preparing your mind and body for your day (the earlier, the better) under the settings section. stoic. will take care of the rest. With daily reminders on your home screen, you will not have any excuses for not preparing for the day.

Reason #2:

stoic. Does Regular Checks on Your Mood

"An app that asks about your mental well-being?" I hear you asking. You can skip this section on some days if you want, but I suggest the opposite. Wouldn't you want to know if there are patterns or specific triggers to your mood during the day? And also, you can track your weekly or monthly mood/sleep performance and trends by visiting the "Trends" section on the app.

Reason #3:

Have Trouble Setting Your Priorities? Say No More!

Yes, you have 24 hours in a day, just like everybody else. And you have lots of options on how to spend your valuable time. But remember, not all hours are equal, and you need to prioritize. stoic. suggests a diverse range of options you can focus on within the next 24 hours. Which one(s) will you pick?

Reason #4:

Need Some Inspiration from the Old and Modern Stoics?

Reason #5:

Still Need That One Final Push to Kickstart Your Day? stoic. Comes to the Rescue!

Journaling, breathing exercises, or meditation. Make your pick to give yourself that final push to present the best version of yourself to the outside world. And make sure to click, "Yes. I feel prepared for my day." Saying it out loud helps a lot too! :)

Final Thoughts

I cannot stress enough how excellent stoic. is. And I have not told you about all of its fantastic features because there are too many of them. The app offers an activity section where you can pick various activities such as breathing exercises, journaling prompts, or reading when you feel like you need to regain energy during the day.

Your life is your story. Wouldn't you want to write your best story today with proper preparation? How about writing a better story tomorrow with an honest reflection at the end of your day?  

Thank you for your time and attention! Looking forward to reading your comments.

Thank you and best of luck with the job search today! Happy job searching!

Please follow @SPJobSeekers on Twitter. 

Photo Credit: https://www.stoicroutine.com/

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