The Crucifixion Menorah

The Crucifixion Menorah

Jul 18, 2022

Most of you know by now that the menorah, to me, has become a never-ending source of fascination within the context of scripture and interpretation of it. It's the 7-branched menorah of the old covenant, and the 9-branched of the new that allows us to see a heavenly design that is nearly invisible otherwise. Be suspicious of every grouping of seven or nine in your Bible!

When Jesus hung on the cross, He uttered seven last sayings. Why seven? Because the old covenant was in effect until His last breath. As a quick refresher, here is what we are looking for in every pattern:

There will be some corelation to creation week. Day one is often a light of a different sort. Day seven, rest. We find this also in the seven high holy days. Feast one, Passover, is a bloody affair. So much pain, and yet through it, freedom. Truly - a light of a different sort. Day seven? Tabernacles. God 'tabernacling' with us - and REST. Day four, the middle lamp, is our servant lamp. The sun was created and a Great Light came into the world. With these traits in mind, let us take a look at the seven last saying of Jesus as He hung on the cross.

1) "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34 - Can you imagine a more Jesus-like utterance to coincide with the first millennium? Adam and Eve fell on this day.

2) "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43 - The second millennium saw Noah endure hardship for the first 600 years of his life, only to build an ark and see the salvation and new beginning of his family and the entire earth. All things were new, indeed.

3) "Woman, behold thy son." John 19:26 - God takes Israel as His son. Exodus 4:22 - A new land of promise opens before the followers of Jehovah. Fruitfulness begins to spring forth!

4) "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The fourth millennium sees the arrival of the Son (the Great Light), His crucifixion, and at that moment the sun darkens. The servant lamp of God goes out, and all of creation must follow suit. Oh... but Sunday's comin'...

5) "I thirst." John 19:28 - Entering the fifth millennium, the Dark Ages. The cry of man was for truth and justice, both of which were scarce.

6) "It is finished." John 19:46 - Soon after Jesus utters these words, the sun begins to shine again. The finished work is realized, and with it freedom and an anticipation of something we have not seen fully - a seventh day approaching.

7) "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." Luke 23:46 - Millennium seven must, by definition, be a full day of rest. No, we have no concept of what this will be like. Our best word for it is... heaven. Into the Father's hands we go.


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