Overcoming a World View of Hopelessness

Overcoming a World View of Hopelessness

Feb 20, 2022

The powers of the world use fear to manipulate. They understand that winning the battle of the mind is the only battle necessary. Ancient Egypt was impressive to the sight. Towering statues, pyramids, walls, palaces, and king that was equated with god. This was the facade the Israelites were under. They were a people bowed down to an image of superior power. Scripture tells us that the sheer number of the Israelites was frightening to Pharaoh. In spite of his "power", he was threatened by the number of his slaves. His solution? Destroy the young. Strike terror into the hearts of the people - and own them.

What can be done against this kind of oppression? How can a people so enslaved ever find freedom? They could not - not on their own. Only a power superior to Pharaoh's could break the facade. It took a show of force from Heaven and a leader born of royalty, not slavery, to reassure a people that they could walk away from a world view of hopelessness and impossibility.

A nation peered from their mountainside perch down into the valley at a screaming giant. One challenge after another went unanswered. The entire nation was enslaved by hopelessness and impossibility. The entire nation, minus one shepherd boy named David. David could see past the shock and awe, the guff, the slobber... He saw through the eyes of God and knew in his heart that the smoke of the flesh had no chance against the iron of the Spirit.

As we peer across the valley of the giants, or float the Nile into our Egypt, what are we awed by? Are we awed by the CEO? The mandate? The mob? Or do we walk with the confidence of David, assured that the one with the Spirit will never lose?image

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