One of the more distasteful subjects to Christians, I think, is that of meekness. Meekness just sounds so... meek. It's synonymous with timidity, weakness, and basically being a pushover, right? RIGHT? No. Actually, that isn't even close to accurate. The best definition I have heard for meekness is 'yielded strength', or restrained power. Hardly timidity, is it? When Jesus says,
Mat 5:5
(5) “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
He is saying that the earth will not end up within the stewardship of those who are willing to fight for dominion of it, or within the clutches of those that possess the most guns and missiles. Rather, He is proclaiming that those who possess and exercise self restraint will overcome in the end. As one pastor put it, meekness is like a broken stallion. The horse is just as mighty as when it ran wild, but once broken, its strength is restrained and bent to the will of its master. Blessed are the meek.