Melchizedek was the name given to the king of Salem. His story crosses that of Abram's in Genesis 14. "Melchi" is an inversion of the word "melek", which means king, and "zedek" has a root meaning of righteousness. In a way, this king's name was more of a title - king of righteousness. He was also identified as the King of Salem, king of peace, the origination of the common word shalom. Nobody knows for certain who Melchizedek was. Some think he was a pre-incarnate Yeshua, while others believe him to be Shem, son of Noah. Regardless, here's why He is a picture of Jesus - even if he was Jesus.
Jesus is our Prince of Peace, while Melchizedek is King of Peace (Salem).
Jesus is our King of Righteousness, while Melchizedek literally means king of righteousness.
Jesus offered his body and blood as a sacrifice for sin, while Melchizedek brought forth bread and wine in a communion meal with Abram.
David prophesied, and the writer of Hebrews confirmed, that Jesus is our high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. (Psa 110:4, Heb 5:6,10) Melchizedek was called "priest of the most high God" (Gen14:18).
In the eyes of the world, Jesus's lineage could not be verified, as they knew He didn't truly belong to Joseph. In the same way, there is no record of Melchizedek's lineage, either. Only guesses.