Erica Parrott
18 sostenitori
Learn To Play The Game-Taxes...Are They ...

Learn To Play The Game-Taxes...Are They Even Legal?!

Jul 16, 2024

Oh boy!

Strap in. Ya'll a new wave of family just arrived on my Instagram @Thesearethetimes_ep!!! They are such a fun, DIVERSE, HUNGRY people. MY PEOPLE!!! Because that is where I reside; diverse in thinking and open to knowing that I DON'T KNOW, but what I do know, I know. Hungry to meet my fellow people. Hungry for the truth to catch and spread like wildfire. Hungry for the come to self in EVERY area of life for us all.

With this new arrival what better time than to recap for all of our highest good. It doesn't matter if you've been here since day 1 or just found this site. This information is always relevent and who knows, this refersher may shift some things you thought were impossible to possible.

How Do We Stop Paying Taxes...

So I had the best question pop into the comments section. It's crazy. That reel is still buzzing through the IG algorithms. It's so hot that it's locked up. Sometimes I can comment or like. Sometimes I can't. There's comments I'm wanting to pin and it simply won't let me. So if you are wondering why you were missed...that is why. But shoot me a DM anytime. I love expanding conversations.

Okay, back to the case at hand. The comment (that I have actually seen quite a bit from many.)1ST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY....THERE IS NO LAW (CURRENTLY) THAT CAN BE FOUND THAT ACTUALLY GIVES GOVERNMENT PERMISSION TO TAX THE PEOPLE'S INCOME.

I know that is probably a shock to some reading this. While some are sayin..."Amen." No matter the case. That statement above is the truth. (Research for your own understanding.)

The 2nd thing you must do is be willing

This is the big one because this part is solely yours. You might want to look at it from a coming at you perspective, but you must be willing to flip that. Okay, heres what I mean. You're going to have to take 6 months-1 year and every situation you are ready to blame on the government (whether feeling it personally or feeling it for others) and you are going to have to eat the blame. Look at how you may allowed X to go unchecked. Examine how you have maybe dropped the ball and possible gave them more rope than necessary. While THEY are ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSIBLE for every thing they have a hand in creating, we each are RESONSIBLE for how we have entertained it and for how long. Don't shoot the messenger. Love you. Now here's why. You have to know where you could have done better & then start doing better. You have to become what you want. So yeah...

It's great to riot in the streets, show your support online, but the most effective & lasting changes (that also produces better problem-solving skills which benefit not only you, but the collective too) and changes that elevate and truly include and think of all; is when we each OWN OUR PARTS played in the government being what it is today. You can't fully let go of anything until you have been willing to do this. (This is a life principle. Works across the board. Apply to your life as necessary.)

Trust me it was as uncomfortable for me to type as it was for you to read. But I'm speaking from a place that I can truly say, I have sat were you are sitting. Not only with government, but also many personal situations. And each time lends to it's own type of uncomfortable...but the rewards have so been worth it. Until I leave this realm, I will continue to have moments like these, just as you will. It's a part of this human experience. Get comfortable with it. Because let's face it, you've sat through uncomfortables for longer that didn't lend to being worth shit...but you sat there. So be willing to give the same level of gusto to an uncomfortable that's taking you every where you need to be. Trying to fight it only prolongs all that you know you shouldn't have to do & all you long to get back to doing.

Check out this sitdown on ways you can move through forgiveness & grief.

Trust me there will be a lot of forgiving as well as grieving going on during the 2nd part. Plus all that forgiveness is what's going to free you up and fill you up for the sheddings, coming to terms, making the pivots to knowing things.

See, those longings & tuggings that you feel aren't you thinking crazy. It's actually your most natural & innocent parts of you nudging you to become curious. Hoping you will meet that curiousity with knowledge and plant on sure & fertile grounds. By being willing to unlearn while relearning some things, you unlock a new level of freedom. A new brick for your new foundations.

Part 3 Arm Yourself

Knowledge is what this level of the game is all about. It's easier to wine and pout about the big wigs being able to dodge this and dodge that than it is to slow down & pull some things within, up for inspection as well as outside of yourself. (Start with the inside work first & the outside work becomes easier.) But they aren't special. No, they simply play the game. So if you are going to exist in this life you better arm yourself with their rules. ALL OF THEM.

If you want to exist outside the matrix mindset you must continuelly arm yourself. Because you still have to exist alongside it. BALANCE. Until it is removed fully and something lasting is elevated into its place. (By the way we all will be what builds the replacement. You can't do better if you don't inspect where we came up short in the first place.)

Stripping away unfounded (other than passed down) beliefs. Finding the surest of knowings. Making foundations that align with your morals. Not your parents. Yours. Because you can have morals differing theirs and still be family. You simply must strengthen your voice and boundaries within self. You can either expect things from others, or you can become the thing you expect and watch how you align.

The best knowledge to get very rooted in first is the true knowledge of you; mind, body,and soul. Because if you don't root into you, when you start diving into all the bullshit of the world...chile you will go mad. GROUND. Plus, the more that you know you, the easier your NO comes forth. (NO, is 100000% a complete sentence.) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...

Take your brain with you. Trust me there's going to be this wild rush that hits you as you start sifting. This rush is going to make you wanna exit full force stage right...RIGHT NOW! BUT please use your brain and exit correctly. Some reading this will be able to put all brakes on and pull a 180, dive into off grid, whatever that looks like. Simply some examples. But understand if they can do this it's because they have stored away, so it is a possibility. Others reading this may still be in planning stages for finanical security. It doesn't matter your level. Your not being nudged based on your bank account. You are being nudged from your living core. So your hopes and dreams need to be laid with a foundation of logical love. GROUNDING is great for assisting with staying anchored.

The 1st piece of outer knowledge you should snag is; EVERY TRUTH ABOUT TAXES that you can get your hands on. If the condescending language they use (which is to discourage the common folk) makes your head swim, plug into people that can break it down for you(I'm so glad we met! Welcome home!!) And there are a host out there on IG, FaceBook TikTok. You simply must shift your focus and watch what your algorithm starts spinning up.

...but like it or not, that grounding I spoke of, will allow you to adjust your learning and stillness antennas so that when the person who does resonate with your style of receiving information comes along, you are truly able to soak it all in.

Use This As your starting point for tax diving if you are just beginning your journey.

Full Blog:


Yep. Laughter truly is the best medicine! If you can't laugh at yourself, then why should you get the joy of laughing at another? Yeah. Get comfortable with your laughter as you shift through your bullshit and the worlds. We are a full being. Honor and acknowledge all of who you are. That is the only way you will be successful at exiting any mindset that is no longer serving your highest good.

Stay connected to those that pull the magic out of you. And be okay if you must take your time from some things and place them into others. It is part of the human experience like it or not. So you may as well get to know it...all of it. Like they say

4th and most important step for success

You must be willing to allow truths that oppose one another to be true. I get it, you may not like the thought, but truth doesn't need you to like it for it to be true. But your emotions do need you. They need you to love them, and let them guide you instead of driving life for you. Your emotions are vaild. They are your internal cues.

Thank you for choosing to spend your time with me. I know it is presious. No one said it would be easy. And let's face it, easy isn't always good. I would love to hear your thoughts. Drop them in the comment below. Following is free. Share this with someone you love.

Peace, Protection, & favor on your greast quest yet!

Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times

Holistic Beauty & Wellness:

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Empower your way through your human experience you hold the key to your release.

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