The Emotional Bully - Killing With Opini ...

The Emotional Bully - Killing With Opinions

Nov 06, 2021

All of us are bothered by people and their unsolicited opinions of our lives.

Though most of us claim that we don't care about what others think, when people voice out their opinions, it does make us restless and angry.

I have been having difficulty dealing with such people who take a judgmental stand in conversations that I don't initiate. Most people talk without a girdle to their mouth as if I am inviting them to come and talk a few sentences about my life!

So here I am trying to decipher what to do, say or how to react, respond, and how to avoid these situations altogether.

  • RUN - When we don't have the mental capacity to face such idiosyncratics, it's better we avoid crossing paths

  • WHEN WE CAN'T RUN - Talk about the weather! Nothing like the weather should go wrong unless they intentionally relate it to your life events - which again is not a possibility.

  • AFFIRM THEIR FEARS - Agree that they are right, give them the thrill of being right about their wrong opinion on our lives - the downside to this is that they might continue to keep voicing their negativity on us.

  • GET READY FOR COMBAT - Firmly, assertively deny their opinion, and tell them how flawed they are in their opinion of us. Also, if you are up to it, go ahead and show them how they should look at their lives and try to improve.

  • ASK QUESTIONS - One way to deflect such talk is to ask about the areas they've failed. Ask follow-through questions and make them feel miserable - buhahahah!

  • NEVER TALK YOURSELF DOWN with people who think they know everything about your life.

This is how much I can think of tonight.

Please take the advice with a pinch of salt

Did I tell you, I also take the help of my therapist to deal with such opinionated bullies? You can do that too!


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