Elliot Lara
19 supporters


Jul 27, 2021

What is Chaos?   How do you feel in Chaos?  Is it enjoyable?  Would you stay there if given the opportunity to get out? Would you help someone you love to get out of it if you knew how?  Would you learn to help them out of the Chaos if given the chance to educate yourself?  How much would you be willing to sacrifice for peace, your own and that of who you love?  Would you have what it takes?  The courage, the strength, the resilience, the brilliance, the discipline?  What if the answer to learning all of this was in your dog?  Could this be the new age need for a dog?  To teach us how to embrace, understand, and ultimately thrive through the unpredictable Chaos that is life.  As humans it is in our nature to be amazing.  To be innovative, efficient, fulfilled.  By just being human, we have surpassed our traditional need for the dog, but the dog is also an amazing animal.  The dog has the capability to adapt, but remain in the current state of reality, while taking information in for the future.  How is it that we have such a hard time with this?  The very thing that makes us amazing has a hangover.  That hangover being ego.  Something the dog lacks that make it so seamless for them to be in all forms of time with clear communication to those around them.  Remember we are amazing though, we hold the capability to do this as well as always advancing.  This however takes discipline, commitment, focus.  In our current state we are failing.  We allow so many things to keep us from that level of peace.  We are losing people who hold that capability and want to teach others.  There is hope though, because while few people practice this capability(superpower?), all dogs can not be any other way.  

That’s what makes us different.  Those who train with us see that there is something else, they see that there is a way to be understood while understanding more.  They are able to apply what the dog teaches them to their everyday life.  However this is not easy or fast.  This is cultivated by someone not just instructing, but by teaching, mentoring, and walking into the Chaos to show you how to walk out of it.  This is achieved by committing to the dog, after you have committed to yourself.  This is accomplished through  clarity, trust, and respect.  This is not a method or a system.  We cannot give you a timeline.  There is not a book.  This is where we are amazing enough to put down the ego in order to see ourself.    

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