The Vibrational Impressions Of The Mind ...

The Vibrational Impressions Of The Mind And Its Unique Impact On Human Living Experiences

Mar 07, 2024

A unique perspective on the Idea of Mind which is of Metaphysical relevance to those striving for a "Higher Spiritual Understanding", is the network of radiations, consciousness and energy centers within the expanse of "the ether" of creation. And hence, in one of the Hermetic Principles, it is stated, "The All is Mind" [in view of the Law of Mentalism, which is one of the Seven Principles of Hermeticism, also known as the Laws of Attraction].The Laws of Attraction consist of seven laws combined together in Metaphysical description but they are all part of the Laws of Nature or the Spiritual Laws of Creation.

During thought processes and imaginations, the mind connect to the streams of "creative currents" of the universe. And hence, the thought processes and imagination should be under control and check. One of the hermetic principles which is also identified as one of the Laws of Attraction is the Law of Polarity, which postulates the duality in the material universe. There are positive and negative charges in the bipolar structure of the material universe. These charges are neutralized into one singular current in the form of the "Creative currents" of the material universe, which eventually become "neutral charges" which is neither positive nor negative.

However, the bi-polarities of positive and negative defines emotion into dual schisms. Hence, there exist good and bad expressions in the emotional state of consciousness. These affects experiences in the direction the mental impression chose. An Individual should guide his or her thought forms from drifting towards the negativity to avoid unpleasant impressions. The Mind creates unique experiences and conditions an individual connects to covertly or overtly.

A certain Scriptural quote states, "As a man thinketh, so is he". And Rene Descartes gave the maxim, "Corgito Ego Sum" which is interpreted as "I think, therefore I exist" or that the Mind gives me the impression of existence. You find that the Mind defines what you feel, where you are at the moment, and what experiences you find around you. And hence it is important to guide the Mind in the right direction. Focus on only that which is for your own good and the good of others around you. Keep the mind healthy through positive thoughts. The Vibration effected by your mind may affect what you attract as "Living Experiences".

Some Ascended Masters like the Master Yeshua [Jesus, the Christ] focus on using the premise of Love. The Love Principle connecting with the Mind is "Power". Without Love there is no Divine Power. The Biblical allegory of Creation stated in Genesis 1 Biblical symbolism, "that God saw what he created was good". That symbolically implies the Idea of Divine Love. The Human Spirit is connected to the Vibration of the Divine Light and through positive mindset, we direct the impressions of the mind towards good and beneficial outcomes. In Genesis 6 and 7, the Mythical description actually is of the moral lesson not to use the mind, words, and physical actions for negative purposes. We are made to serve in adding positive and progressive impact to activities we connect to.

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