A Unique Perspective On The Supernatural ...

A Unique Perspective On The Supernatural Functions Of The Mind

Mar 07, 2024

The Mind is formed through the network of connection between the Spirit [the indwelling conscious energy form], and the brain as well as the nervous system of the body. The assumption of having the mind at the heart region, was an ancient view which was based on the lower state of consciousness of humanity around that time. As humanity evolves in their state of consciousness, the lower way of viewing phenomenal experiences also got better, changed or even became more advanced. The brain is the actual locus of the psycho-chemical complexes that links up the Spirit or Soul to the body, and this psycho-chemical complexes is the Mind.

Some ancient writings talks of the mind in a mysterious pattern, but that was still connected to the consciousness. Through the Mind, the impressions of things around us are defined and there are paranormal explorations attributed to it as well.

The Mind is the basis of our experiences and impressions. It is the medium through which we define our experiences. The Mind though anchored in the physical human body through the interaction between the Human Spirit, the real self and the biological framework; the Human Mind formed from the interaction of the human spirit with the brain and the nervous system is also part of the "Psychic Plane of Reality" [some may use the term, Psychic Realm].

The Psychic realm do have its locus above the physical, astral and causal realms of creation. Far beyond the Physical realm of the Universe, and are further existence ever expanding and was in existence before the Physical realm of creation. All aspects of the Cosmic Realms, are interwoven though separate realms of existence as well. The Physical Universe is not the only existence. Through, the expansion of consciousness associated with "Transcendental Meditation", we become conscious of this in practical terms. The "Wave" currents of the Cosmic is chosen by the instrument of the "Mind" on what we need to connect with consciously.

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