10 Essential VS Code Extensions for Back ...

10 Essential VS Code Extensions for Backend Developers - Streamline Your Workflow and Boos

Mar 24, 2023

10 Essential VS Code Extensions for Backend Developers - Streamline Your Workflow and Boost Your Productivity Today!


REST Client -

This extension allows you to send HTTP requests and view responses directly from VS Code, making it easy to test and debug APIs.

SQL Server (mssql) -

This extension provides support for SQL Server, allowing you to connect to databases, run queries, and manage your data directly from VS Code.

Docker -

This extension provides tools for working with Docker containers, allowing you to build, manage, and deploy your applications in a containerized environment.

GitLens -

This extension provides advanced Git integration, allowing you to view code history, annotate code, and collaborate with other developers directly from VS Code.

Better Comments -

This extension provides enhanced syntax highlighting for comments, allowing you to distinguish between different types of comments and add visual cues to your code.

Code Runner -

This extension allows you to run code snippets and scripts directly from VS Code, supporting a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.

Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 -

This extension adds color to matching brackets, making it easier to read and navigate your code.

Bookmarks -

This extension allows you to create bookmarks in your code, making it easy to jump between different parts of your project and keep track of important sections.

Path Intellisense -

This extension provides auto-completion for file paths and folder names, reducing the risk of errors and making it easier to find and include files in your project.

Remote Development -

This extension allows you to connect to remote servers and work on projects hosted on other machines or in cloud environments, making it easier to collaborate with other developers and manage complex infrastructures.

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