New Look, Same Name

New Look, Same Name

Apr 25, 2023

Change is good, right?

Well, not all changes. Sometimes the latest smartphone turns out to be a lemon or the new Netflix show is a sleeper. But if there's no change then there is no growth. Life depends on change.

This show, Welcome To Earth Stories, has gone through many changes since it's conception in 2017. The big thing was the name change.

Even though Poetic Earthlings was a beautiful title it wasn't clear. It left potential listeners confused and resistant to hit play. Ever since the name change the show grew and climbed up the charts. The title, Welcome To Earth Stories was unambiguous. You knew what you were getting without second guessing yourself.

Not just the show name but the content and direction of the show has radically changed. It started off with zero music and zero sound effects, now its full of music, clips and strange sounds. Before it was just me screaming into the microphone. Yikes!! Now I have reoccurring voice actors contributing to the show.

Also each season is more difficult to produce than the previous because I'm trying new things. Some things explode like Elon's rocket and other things become the golden standard. It's impossible to know what will flop and what will soar. You can only put your shoulder to the wheel and push.

With that being said the show cover art will change. The current one is designed by yours truly but I'm not a graphic designer. I hired someone else to create a new design. The new cover art will arrive very soon.

Please continue to spread the word about our show as I am working hard in writing and producing season 6.

Keep in touch with me on twitter @Poeticearthling and remember, be kind to each other, be a good earthling, and I'll talk to you soon.

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