I haven’t posted in here in a very long time.
I haven’t been able to find ways to reconnect with myself and when I do, the doom of motherhood guilt, like, just take over my whole self.
I didn’t know it would feel this way.
I used to write every day. Allow myself to down a bottle of wine and just doodle, write, make art. In any shape bc i was an artist. Young and dumb and drunk?
My 20s were nice. My 30s? I don’t know.
I guess I’ve been searching for many outlets these days. I started accounts that I am alien to. Hah. But ain’t I just that in the world? (≧▽≦) ugh! This mere desire to connect!! This longing to feel like I am not a weirdo out in the world anymore!!!
I’ll leave it here. My kid woke up.