Szatmár castle

Szatmár castle

Jul 14, 2021

Szatmár castle: the 251st fort on my page... image

Szatmár / Szatmárnémeti (Satu Mare, Sathmar) is located at the entrance of Transylvania, Romania.

Now, the once so important Borderland castle of Szatmár is known for us only from the drawings of a few famous Italian architects like the Baldigara brothers: Ottavio and Giulio, or from the work of Cesare Porta.

It is not widely known that plenty of late-Renaissance forts were built in the 16th century along the 1,000-mile-long Hungarian / Croatian / Transylvanian Borderland that separated west Europe from the Ottoman Empire.

Szatmár had a large Jewish community in the 16th century and later. In the 17th century, Prince Bethlen Gábor permitted Sephardi Jews from Turkey to settle in the Transylvanian capital Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) in 1623. As for the Jewish community, the reign of Prince Bethlen (1613-1629) was a milestone not only because he invited more of them into the Principality from abroad but he also declared their privileges in 1623.

The Patent issued by Bethlen was exceptional in Christian Europe. The Jewish people were given the right to practice their faith, trade, and settle without restrictions anywhere in Transylvania, without having to wear distinctive marks, and could enjoy legal independence.

It was quite different in the Habsburg-ruled Royal Hungary at that time where they didn’t have such rights. Most importantly, Bethlen confronted contemporary thinking and declared in writing that the Jewish community could not be made collectively responsible for faults committed by its individual members.

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