25 November 1556 The Diet of Transylvani ...

25 November 1556 The Diet of Transylvania made Isabella Governor

Nov 25, 2022

It was the day when the Diet of Transylvania made Isabella Governor of Transylvania until her son, János Zsigmond would reach the age of maturity. We know that Queen Isabella was the widow of King Szapolyai János of Hungary, and Sultan Suleiman made her leave Buda castle in 1541. Suleiman learned that Isabella wanted to cede Buda castle to the Habsburgs so he could not trust her anymore.

After this, she left for East Hungary, and then, she made her court in Transylvania. Her late father’s advisor, Father Martinuzzi György, the “White Monk” was the tutor of her son, the baby János Zsigmond (later elected King of Hungary, and Prince of Transylvania).

He, a nobleman, a statesman, a Pauline monk, later Bishop of Várad, Archbishop of Esztergom, and finally Cardinal, had lots of debates with Queen Isabella. Both Isabella and Martinuzzi were very exciting and colorful examples of Hungarian history, no wonder they are quite dividing figures.


Read more about them on my page:



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