10 July 1684 the Triumph at Szentendre

10 July 1684 the Triumph at Szentendre

Jul 10, 2022

Emperor Leopold I of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Hungary and Bohemia appointed Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (Lotharingiai Károly) to lead the allied Christian forces.

During the late spring of 1684, the Duke set out with his army of 40,000 men to take Buda castle back. They took back Visegrád castle after a few days of siege, then they defeated the army of Pasha Mustafa of Aleppo at Vác, on 27 June.

The Duke also took the castle of Vác. It was a crushing victory, mainly because of the better artillery and firearms of the Imperials. The Duke lost only 50 men while the Ottomans 3,000 soldiers, the Hungarian Hussars cut down 700 of them.

After this fight, the Imperials rested for two days, then they set out toward Pest on the left bank of the Danube river on 29 June. The enemy gave up the town of Pest quickly but before withdrawing, they slaughtered every Christian inhabitant. They also burned the bridge behind themselves to prevent the Imperial army from crossing the river to the Buda side.


Pasha Mustapha of Aleppo made an attempt to hinder the Christian army’s way to Buda. He set out against them with 20,000 soldiers, 800 Janissaries, and two cannons. By the time they arrived at Szentendre, the Christian army had been waiting for them in battle order.

The Imperials were deployed behind a marshland that was defending them. The left wing of the Duke stood next to the Danube while his right-wing took up positions on higher ground above the town of Szentendre.

You can read the rest of the battle on my page:



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