How We Begin Again

How We Begin Again

Oct 13, 2023

The time of darkness was upon us,

Long before most of us even recognized

What it was

Or knew what to call it, my son.

Neighbors became strangers

We were defined by fear, by borders,

By distance

A prisoner of the stories we told ourselves

Until we had no chance but to believe them.

Some held on for love

The currency of endurance

Longing hearts rejecting apathy,

Refusing to surrender to numbness.

But the skies erupted into fire

The night burned flashpoint red

With flames of hatred

Constructed by our own hearts and hands.

Books, buildings, dreams

Scattered to ash

In what felt like seconds

In the name of tribe

Of power

Of Nothing.

Dividing lines and dividing souls

Losing our most precious gift:

Each other.

The sickness sank into our bones

Burned holes into our souls

The filters could not cover the shape of the lie

Or the stench of the decay

We just scrolled


Addicted to distraction

Binge watching our own destruction.

Cynicism replaced curiosity

Love slipped out of fashion

Cruelty was rebranded as a superpower

Vulnerability was the old way

And the old way was cursed, mocked, shamed;

And then it was forgotten.

Endless breath was wasted on rage

Engulfing and suffocating

The prayers of grandmothers

The cries of babies

The dreams of our fathers.

The village songs, muted

Fences built high

With the wood from church pews

And kitchen tables

The feathers of hope, torn bit by bit

We chewed them up, spit them out.

But let this not be how it ends.

So, my son

I say to you now

Under these darkened skies

In these graveyard cities stained with blood..

If you are permitted the chance to start again

If you are called to build a new Canaan

Start with the simplest things.

Tend to what is beneath your feet

Place your faith in seeds

Listen to the story of the cicadas

Rest your hands in the dirt.

In the faint, stirring breeze,

Hear the songs of children to come.

Let the rivers and trees speak

Ask nothing in return but to listen,

And to marvel.

Touch one another’s faces

Make the soft folds of flesh holy again

Let the songs you sing to one another

In the crisp of air of morning

Glorify the world you tend to

The world you hope to build

And the world to come.

Summon the hope and the empathy

To imagine what our dead would ask of us

And find the courage to dream it

To build it

To give it.

Learn the names of every pair of eyes you meet, my son

Say them

Sing them

Remember them

Tattoo them on your heart.

This is how we remember,

This is how we begin again.

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