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Ocular melanoma

Ocular melanoma

Sep 27, 2024

The patient is a 64/M farmer who had a fast growing tumor of 8 months duration in the front of his eye. Biopsy results show malignant melanoma so an enucleation of the right eye was done.

Picture 1 shows the formalinized intact globe of the right eye in front view with surrounding fibrofatty and muscular tissues. The eyelids and lacrimal gland are also included in the specimen.

In front of the eye is a brown to dark brown, large, polypoid fungating mass arising from the conjunctiva that occluded the patient's sight.

Picture 2 is a side view

Picture 3 shows the cut section of the eye and the lens is inside the vitreous cavity

Picture 4 is the microscopic section showing an epithelioid variant of malignant melanoma. The cancer is on the top of the picture

Picture 5 is a bonus picture of an intact retina with no pathologic findings.

Credit: u/Snownyann

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