Step-by-Step 'Jigsaw' Mastery with ChatG ...

Step-by-Step 'Jigsaw' Mastery with ChatGPT: A Trainer's Guide

Jun 19, 2024

Hi, everyone!

Implementing Jigsaw activities in corporate training can seem like a puzzle. Fortunately, I found the perfect partner in ChatGPT, a virtual learning companion that has made this process so much easier.

In this session, I’ll take you through how ChatGPT has helped me understand and execute the steps needed to make Jigsaw activities a success in my training programs.

Let's explore!


Please act as the Corporate Learning Designer's expert. You're going to lead a 4-hour Train The Trainer course on how to implement Jigsaw activities as part of an active learning strategy. The participants are 30 junior corporate trainers at your organisation.

During the workshop, you must ensure that all participants understand, actively participate, and are capable of carrying out Jigsaw activities while acting as trainers in their own training sessions.

Please divide the participants into six groups. Each group will have five members.

Your task now is to prepare a detailed and comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to facilitate a Jigsaw activity for a session titled "How to Conduct Active Learning Approach in Corporate Training Sessions?" Please include times, activities, and instructions in a table style.

Please start by briefly describing the jigsaw exercises so that participants understand them. You will also thoroughly describe any specific terms used, such as expert groups and others.

As mentioned earlier, the actual session, which you will lead, will last four hours.


Overview of Jigsaw Activities

The Jigsaw activity is a cooperative learning strategy designed to promote collaborative learning and individual accountability. Developed by Elliot Aronson in 1971, this method has proven effective in various educational settings, including corporate training. The primary goal of the Jigsaw technique is to break a larger task or topic into smaller, manageable pieces, allowing participants to become "experts" in their assigned segment. Each participant then shares their expertise with their group, ensuring that everyone gains a comprehensive understanding of the entire topic.

Key Concepts:

  • Home Groups: The initial groups where participants begin their learning journey. Each group member is assigned a different segment of the topic to explore.

  • Expert Groups: New groups formed by members from different Home Groups who are assigned the same segment. In these groups, participants discuss and deepen their understanding of their specific segment.

  • Teaching in Home Groups: After becoming experts, participants return to their Home Groups to teach their segment to the other members.

Benefits of the Jigsaw Activity:

  • Encourages active participation and engagement.

  • Promotes a deeper understanding of the material.

  • Fosters communication and collaboration skills.

  • Builds a sense of responsibility and accountability.

This structured approach ensures a comprehensive understanding and practical application of Jigsaw activities in corporate training sessions, equipping participants with the skills to facilitate these activities effectively.

Please move on to the next section for complete instructions for each activity.

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