ChatGPT and the Art of Question Crafting

ChatGPT and the Art of Question Crafting

May 14, 2024

What’s up, team?

Preparing questions for an active learning session can be as tricky as solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. But with ChatGPT, it’s like having a cheat sheet that helps you create those perfect, thought-provoking questions that keep everyone on their toes.

Join me to explore deeper!


Please act as a Learning Designer. Your task is to recommend 'how trainers might encourage participants to think critically' by generating at least 10 sets of thought-provoking Higher Order Thinking questions, scenarios, and discussions.


Here are ten sets of thought-provoking questions, scenarios, and discussion prompts designed to encourage critical thinking in participants. These sets can be used by trainers to stimulate higher order thinking and facilitate deeper understanding during training sessions:

Set 1: Analyzing Perspectives

Scenario: Imagine your team is tasked with launching a new product in a highly competitive market. Questions:

  1. What are the potential risks and benefits of launching in this market?

  2. How would different stakeholder perspectives influence the launch strategy?

  3. What ethical considerations must be taken into account?

Set 2: Problem Solving in Crisis

Scenario: A sudden economic downturn has severely impacted your project's budget. Questions:

  1. How can you adjust the project scope without compromising quality?

  2. What creative funding alternatives could be considered?

  3. How would you prioritize which project elements to cut or keep?

Set 3: Evaluating Information

Scenario: You receive conflicting reports about the success of a new training method. Questions:

  1. How would you verify the reliability of these reports?

  2. What criteria would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of the training method?

  3. How might biases in data collection influence the reports?

Set 4: Strategic Decision-Making

Scenario: The company needs to decide whether to expand into a new international market. Questions:

  1. What are the short-term and long-term implications of this decision?

  2. How would this move align with the company's overall strategic goals?

  3. What alternative strategies could be considered?

Set 5: Ethical Dilemmas

Scenario: Your team must decide whether to outsource labor to reduce costs, knowing it could lead to job losses locally. Questions:

  1. What are the ethical implications of outsourcing?

  2. How do you balance shareholder interests with social responsibility?

  3. What could be the long-term impact on the company's reputation?

Set 6: Innovation Challenges

Scenario: The company wants to innovate a traditional product to appeal to a younger audience. Questions:

  1. What are the potential challenges of altering a well-established product?

  2. How could consumer feedback be integrated into the innovation process?

  3. What measures could be put in place to evaluate the success of the new product?

Set 7: Leadership in Change

Scenario: As a leader, you are tasked with steering your team through a major organizational change. Questions:

  1. How would you prepare your team for the changes?

  2. What leadership style would be most effective in managing change?

  3. How can you ensure all team members are engaged and supportive?

Set 8: Resource Allocation

Scenario: Resources are limited, but there are multiple good opportunities for investment.


  1. How do you decide where to allocate resources?

  2. What methods can be used to assess the potential return on investment of each opportunity?

  3. How often should resource allocation decisions be revisited?

Set 9: Critical Reflection

Scenario: After a project completion, the outcome was not as successful as expected.


  1. What were the key factors that led to the project's underperformance?

  2. How could the project planning and execution be improved in the future?

  3. What lessons can be learned from this experience?

Set 10: Cultural Sensitivity

Scenario: You're designing a campaign targeted at a diverse, multicultural audience.


  1. What cultural considerations should be taken into account?

  2. How can you ensure the campaign is inclusive and respectful to all cultural groups?

  3. What methods can be used to gather insights about cultural preferences and sensitivities?

Each set is designed to foster not just a surface understanding, but a deep, multifaceted engagement with critical issues, blending analytical, evaluative, and creative thinking.


And we’re done! ChatGPT has given us questions that made us all think deeper and learn more. It’s been a big help in making our learning session successful. Happy learning guys!

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