Out of the gate running

Out of the gate running

May 21, 2024

On May 6, I began my new gig as TTC subway musician. First stop was bright and early at Queen Street and it put things into perspective. In order for this to work for me, I am going to have to work it pretty regularly. I had hoped to post sooner. But, up until now, I have done 2 of 3 shifts at each stop: Finch, Spadina and Main were all great, though exhausting. To be honest, I wouldn't be getting to this had I not had a laryngitis inducing mishap on the weekend. I have been pushing it really hard after, literally, years of occasional performances. Having to scream down to the people who had the elevator on service to let me use it so I wouldn't miss my Wheel Trans to Eglinton Station did some damage. Hopefully not permanent. I got to the spot and managed an hour and a half without access to the top third of my range before I surrendered to the fact that i shouldn't keep trying. TBH, I am concerned. Not to mention, truly disappointed that I am missing my first evening at Bloor & Yonge. However, it has given me this opportunity to post an update here.
The plan (LOL) is to post my shift schedule here periodically. And, as soon as I am recovered and back at it, I intend to just that.
We are assigned to a new station every 3 days on one of three shifts that rotate with the stations. GOD willing I will be able to perform at least one of the next 2 evenings at Bloor & Yonge. Friday, I move to the morning at Runnymede, if i am capable. I don't see the point of doing that shift on the weekend.
Fingers crossed, by then my voice will be well on the mend and I can let you all know what comes next.
Many thanks to you for your support and any positive energy you can put toward the recovery of my vocal chords.
Wishing you all a happy Toosday!

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