Daily Jars of Honey

Daily Jars of Honey

Sep 19, 2022

A few months ago, I added a new Channel Point redemption. This is a way for me to thank all the people who regularly come into my channel and are prominent members of my community. It is a very simple idea, basically people come into my channel, redeem the channel point and at the end of the month I look at who has the most jars of honey. Then I give them, or another viewer of their choosing, a free gift sub.

I've seen other streamers do similar ideas where there is a channel point redemption for a free sub, but I like this way as it means that the viewer has to keep coming back to the stream and show commitment to the channel. It also means that each month there is a chance for someone else to win the free gifted sub as I reset the number of jars of honey each time, to allow everyone an opportunity to gather their jars of honey.

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