Dinnie in,
Good morning, afternoon, evening everyone! And welcome to Dinnie in Virginnie. I'm your host Dinnie, here in Virginnie. Where in Virginia you might ask? Why I'm at ChesaPEAKe, The PEAKe of Excellence at the Dr. Clarence V. Cuffee Library.
This week I've been on a bit of a library kick as this is the third library in three days that I've been to and they've all been different so I think I'll finish the circuit before the month is out and hit up all the libraries in Chesapeake to showcase how each of them is different.
More importantly, I'm here to report that the library is a pretty darn cool place with much more within its walls than the average Virginianite expects. We all know of the typical resources available such as books, music, movies, magazines, and comics, but there are so many other resources here it's hard to keep up!
Today I wanted to expose some of the more unique offerings at the Dr. Clarence V. Coffee Innovation Library specifically. This isn't your typical library because it's not really used for borrowing books. What's unique about this library is the creative spaces they offer to the public to use for free with a library card.
The creative spaces include cricut machines, sewing machines, product photography tools, and video production equipment. Now I can't speak from first hand use of these services, but I am impressed that we have access to all of this equipment for free!
All you have to do is watch some instructional lessons and book an orientation to learn how to use all the equipment before you book your first up to two-hour slot to use the creative tool. While you do have to provide your own materials, just think about the possibilities!
You can learn how to sew and use a legit machine to make your own clothes or perhaps even costumes! You can practice your photography and make your products look extra sharp or perhaps help others sharpen their brand image with crisp images of their products as well.
And remember, once you learn a skill, you can't unlearn it! No one will be able to take it away from you and you never know when it will come in handy for any future endeavors!
I plan on exploring these options myself to get better at photography and perhaps film some podcast episodes that look more professional.
If you'd like to learn more about the resources offered in Chesapeake, VA, here ya go!
Let me know if you're utilizing all the free resources at your local library!
Until next time,
Dinnie out! 09.06.24
IG: https://instagram.com/dinnieinvirginnie
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@dinnieinvirginnie
P.S. If you'd like to support all the Virginnie adventures, feel free to buy me a coffee!!.. or two...or three...or ten.....I can handle a lot of caffeine XD