Dinnie in,
Good morning, afternoon, evening everyone and welcome to the Virginnie Bloggie! On today's Bloggie we're going to be talking about Sundays in Virginia.
I think it's important to know that I am in fact writing this on a Sunday in VA. Now most of you should know by now that I am a person of faith so you should know where this is going.
This is going to be a Bloggie dedicated to my fellow believers out there in the great, great state of Virginia. Full transparency is that it was only this year that I formed a solid, proper foundation with The Lord, my Rock, my Provider, so I'm not here to preach to you or give a sermon. I'm just here to get some of your brain juices going and flowing because sometimes we get stuck in a routine and we don't even realize we're stuck.
What is your current Sunday routine and should it be adjusted? I'm asking you to do a soft audit of your typical Sundays and how you feel about it and think about whether or not it should stay the same. Perhaps some things need to change. Maybe there are things you are currently doing that you should stop and perhaps there are things you are NOT doing that you should start. I'm asking you to be honest and genuine about what you're doing with your life.
Here's my typical Sunday as an example. So every Sunday I typically wake up maybe an hour and a half before church and read my Psalms and get ready to go to church. I've recently changed churches and I'm feeling better about the church that I'm going to now as opposed to the one I had been going to for most of my life out of habit. [Just to be clear, it was a good church with some good people there, but it was more of my parents' church. I'm not church hurt or anything like that, I just wasn't feeling the Holy Spirit like those around me were so I'm trying to find a home where I feel comfortable to freely worship.]
My current church lasts from 9:30am-11 or 1pm depending on whether or not we do Bible study afterwards. Although I have a good feeling about this church, admittedly my emotional walls are still up and I don't know how long it will take for the ice to melt a little and I can be even more of myself. It's important to note that even at this stage I am more of myself than I have ever been going to church in the past so it's a beautiful thing and I can't wait to see what God does in this space.
After church it's kind of a toss up to be honest. Sometimes I kind of waste time trying to find somewhere to go because I don't want to go home yet and sometimes I just go straight home so I can start preparing lunch/dinner, linner if you will. I'm working on being more intentional with my time so this is an example of something that I want to change. I'd like to have a more solid routine of what I do immediately after church and have a set time for when I myself get in the Word and take my own personal notes.
When I go home I usually either clean up a bit or go straight into making dinner and to be honest these are pretty much the only activities that typically happen on my average Sunday. There's definitely room for improvement. As I stated before I'd like some more time for myself with The Lord, reading His Word, praising, and worshiping. I'd also like some designated family time, maybe start up a traditional Sunday dinner again like back in the day because I love my family, but we don't always make time to just be together. I'd also like to add in some reading and planning time so I can continue to learn things as well as set myself up for success in the upcoming week.
I hope you enjoyed this little snippet of what a Sunday is typically like for Dinnie in Virginnie and I hope it's got you thinking about your own Sunday routine. When was the last time you went to church? Is He meeting you at your current church, does the Holy Spirit fill the space? Do you spend time in fellowship with your congregation? Are you spending time with God yourself? Is there anything you'd like to remove or add from your routine?
Today was a blessed day and I even got a surprise bonus blessing in that I will be going to a church in Richmond this evening for even more praise and worship. I was admittedly scrolling on IG and the Lord blessed me with an opportunity to praise Him elsewhere in the great, great state of VA so hopefully I'll tell y'all about that experience.
I know you're having a blessed day and I hope you continue to do so in the great, great state of VA!
Until another beautiful day, here in VA,
Dinnie out! 10.13.24
P.S. This turned into more of a 'Dinnie's Diary' rather than a blog post, but I'd still like for you to relate back to your life! Let me know if you want me to bring back Dinnie's Diary because I've taken it offline.
IG: https://instagram.com/dinnieinvirginnie
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@dinnieinvirginnie
Discord Virginnie Communittie: https://discord.gg/RMx5kbX9PH
P.S.S. If you'd like to support all the Virginnie adventures, feel free to buy me a coffee!!.. or two...or three...or ten.....I have a high caffeine tolerance XD