Hormonal imbalance-Top signs and solutio ...

Hormonal imbalance-Top signs and solutions

May 15, 2021


Hormonal imbalance is the body's signal that your overall health is not up to the mark.

With the pandemic of coronavirus growing worldwide.

Health optimization should be the ideal approach, rater than disease management.

Let us deep dive to understand hormonal imbalance and its causes

What are hormones & their role in the body?

Hormones are like chemical messengers of the body.

The Endocrine system in the body produces hormones.

They are required for correct and all round development of the human body.

Hormones are essentially required for performing body functions.

In other words they help regulate body processes like

  • Hunger

  • Sleep

  • Blood pressure

  • Sugar levels

  • Growth

  • Sexual desire

  • Reproduction

  • Moods

  • Body weight

  • Digestion

  • Heart health

Hormonal Imbalance-

Happens when there is too much or less of growth hormones in a blood stream.

So, it becomes important for the body to optimize its condition and stay healthy.

Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

Common signs in Men & Women

image Less sleep and hormonal imbalance

Lack of sleep is connected to hormonal imbalances

Sleep is an essential pillar for good health.

Likewise the other two are exercise and quality nutrition.

Sleep regulates and improves the functioning of different body hormones.

We all need that 7-9 hrs of peaceful sleep at night for daily activities execution.

It has been observed that people sleeping less are often exposed to hormonal imbalances

In addition it may show high levels of cortisol (stress) hormone in the body.

Studies - (1),(2),(3)

Brain Fog

This condition can make create confusion, limit thinking and decision making

In addition it may also affect understanding simple tasks

Moreover, remembering events and poor concentration

As a result the person may feel less sharper and remain confused.

Brain Fog can happen due to stress, lack of sleep, depression or illness like diabetes

Studies (4)

Digestion and hormonal imbalance

Gut health needs to be optimum for health management.

Healthy digestion play a key role in reducing hormonal imbalances.

Your gut also contains neurotransmitters like the ones in brain

Therefore, stress, anxiety and depression are also corelated to digestion.

Hormones can promote the growth of healthy bacteria in our intestines.

These bacteria can help in the digestion process.

However, hormonal imbalance can hamper the healthy bacteria growth.

As a result you may face issues like constipation, diarrhea and bloating.

Moreover this may add to other stomach disorders as well

Studies - (5)

Tired and lack of energy

Hormone imbalance in the body can cause energy expenditure.

As a result making the body feel tired with lack of energy.

Tiredness is one of the common symptoms of hormonal imbalances

Reasons of physical or mental fatigue include

  • Less Sleep

  • Mentally exhausted

  • Any underlying illness

  • Workplace stress

  • Obesity

  • Excess or lack of physical activity

  • Menopause in women

  • Certain Medications

  • Stress, Anxiety and Depression

  • Lack of sexual interest or desire

  • Mood swings

  • Frequent Headaches

  • Brain Fog

In women the the production of progesterone(pregnancy hormone) can cause tiredness.

Therefore excess of this hormone can make her feel sleepy and too little will keep her awake and irritated.

In addition, when there is less production of the thyroid hormone in the body.

Also known as hypothyroidism this can make you feel tired and exhausted.

Studies - (6)

Unexplained Weight gain or Muscle loss

Hormones play an important role in metabolism and regulating body weight

Low testosterone and estrogen levels can result in skeletal muscle loss

In men and woman respectively.

As a result this may add to slow muscle recovery from injuries

Therefore hormonal imbalance can cause rapid weight gain or muscle loss

Most importantly, when the thyroid gland is underactive to create the thyroid hormone.

This may contribute to weight gain because of poor metabolism.

In women PCOS and irregular menopause may also add to body fat

Sometimes, weight gain may also be due to the cushing syndrome.

Cushing syndrome

It occurs when the body has high level of cortisol (stress) hormones for a long time

Obesity may also add to problems like diabetes, infertility, heart disease and breast cancer.


10 habits that are making you fat

Fat loss or only flat belly?

Studies (7), (8)

Cravings and hormonal imbalance

When you feel that unstoppable desire to eat a particular food it is called craving.

Food cravings are signs that there are some missing nutrients in your diet.

Fiber is an essential nutrient that comes from green veggies and fruits.

To clarify it keeps you fuller for a long time and helps in weight control.

Therefore managing food cravings for the entire day.

These cravings may also be due to physical and mental disorders

  • Poor diet

  • High stress levels

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Less sleep

Studies - (9),(10),(11),(12)

Hair loss

This is a common cause of hormonal imbalance in both genders.

In Men low testosterone (Male growth hormone) is a prime cause of hair loss

High levels of DHT hormone in men can cause hair to become weak and fall faster.

Most men experience the male pattern baldness which means loss of hair from the scalp

In Women- Hair fall may be due to irregular or heavy menopause cycles.

For some women this may also be due lower production of estrogen (Female growth hormone).

Likewise lower levels of progesterone hormone can be another cause.

Cushing syndrome and Nutrient deficiencies like lack of protein in the diet.

May also contribute to hair loss as you age.

Studies - (13),(14),(15)

Mood Swings

This is another common cause of hormonal imbalances

Irritability Male Syndrome (IMS) is the term that describes mood swings in men

Low or changing testosterone levels and high stress levels

Often lead to mood swings in men

Likewise low or changing estrogen levels in women during PMS or otherwise.

May lead to mood swings and behavioral change.

Signs of changing moods can be seen in a woman with premenstrual syndrome (16)

Moreover women may experience mood changes also during pregnancy

Common behavior changes observed in both genders would be-

  • Anger

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Impatience

  • Frustrated

  • Defensive

  • Sad

  • Argumentative

  • Tensed

  • Withdrawn

  • Lost sense of humor

You may add more to this list.......

Studies (17),(18)

Acne and hormonal imbalance

It is a skin condition that is often common in teenagers.

However it may also happen to adults as well

As a result of androgen hormonal changes in the body

Hair follicles are plugged with oily and dead skin cells covered with skin bacteria.

Therefore, leading to pimples, blackheads or whiteheads.

It happens on face, shoulders, chest, back and neck

In adults this may happen due to different reasons.

For example an underlying medical condition, high stress levels.

Irregular menstruation cycles in women or other factors.

It is better to consult an expert to find the exact cause.

Studies (19),(20),(21)

Low Libido

This means less interest in sexual activity.

Low libido in mainly experienced in adults after 40.

However, this can be experienced by young adults as well.

Hormonal imbalance can be a prime cause of low libido

Low levels of Estrogen hormones in women and testosterones in males.

Therefore contribute to low libido.

Factors that may further drive low libido are-

  • Pre-menopause or menopause

  • High levels of cortisol(stress) hormone

  • Non-compatibility with the partner

  • Less availability of partner

  • Illness or pain

  • Medications

  • Sleep

  • Alcohol or drug use

  • Studies - (22),(23)

    Signs seen only in women



The most common neurological disorder is migraine in men and women.

To clarify it is 2-3 time more common in women compared to men

In women fluctuating hormonal levels can be a prime cause of headaches

This may happen at the time of menopause, pregnancy or changing diet patterns

Low level of estrogen hormone can result in headaches and migraines

To clarify menstrual or hormonal migraines are same as regular migraine.

Studies - (24),(25)

Vaginal Dryness & Breast tenderness

Its is the most common sign of hormonal imbalance seen in women.

Vaginal dryness is often seen due to low or changing levels of estrogen hormone in the body.

Likewise during pre-menopause a woman may experience estrogen fluctuations.

This hormonal imbalance may cause the breast to get tender and soar.

Studies (26),(27)

Hot flashes & night sweats

It is an unexpected feeling of warmth around your neck, face and chest.

In addition to continuous and excess sweating during menopause at nights

This can be one unexpected red flag of hormonal imbalance

In other words low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopauses.

May be the cause for hot flashes and night sweats

Moreover, Alcohol consumption and smoking may also lead to this problem

Studies (28),(29)

PCOS and hormonal imbalance

Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) is a common hormonal imbalance for women at reproductive age.

This hormonal disorder is caused due to enlargement of ovaries and small cysts on the outer edges

Symptoms of PCOS may include

Irregular menstrual cycles



Excess hair growth

Let's talk Solutions!


Regular Exercise

Physical activity like cardio + strength training should be done for an hour daily

This as a result will help boost your hormonal levels and balance them as well.

Exercise can help in managing mood swings, energy balance, libido, muscle gain and weight loss.

It may also prove beneficial in managing illnesses like diabetes, cancer and controlling your thyroid hormone.

An hour spent on yourself is a key to healthy life style

Studies - (30),(31),(32)

Also read -

Myths of women strength training

Cardio training guide

Strength training guide

How to burn calories with day to day activities?

Nutrition and hormonal imbalance

A balanced nutrition plan and healthy eating can help to control hormonal imbalance

This should be a well balanced ratio of macro and micro nutrients in the diet.

Avoid liquid calories, sweets and refined carbs as they can add to weight gain.

Add more fiber enriched food like green veggies and fruits to your plate.

These should be supported by quality protein like eggs, whey, lean meat and fish.

So, let us see how should your ideal plate look like-

US department of agriculture (USDA) can help you calculate your food plan


25 foods for weight loss and fitness

Broccoli-A super food

Reasons to eat papaya

You may also check our Nutrition section to know more on diets and food groups

Studies (33),(34)

Rest and recover

We have already discussed earlier in the article how less sleep can affect hormones.

Optimum sleep and rest is required to boost mental and physical health.

It can minimize the impact of many illness and other health disorders.

In addition, sleep can also reduce stress levels and boost performance

Less sleep in women may affect their menstrual cycles as well **

Question-What should be the ideal sleep requirement as per your age ?

Answer - We strongly recommend you to read

The Sleep improvement guide

Studies (35**)

Talk to an expert

Hormonal imbalances can be sometimes be due physical and mental disorders.

If you think taking an expert advise can help you.

This will be a great step in moving towards good health

It is important to speak to an expert when you encounter this problem.

To clarify some illnesses put you on heavy medications.

However, sometimes the doctor's do not have any other option.

You may still discuss with the doctor and look for alternatives.

Lifestyle changes can bring a huge shift in disease managment.

It can certainly help you curb your physical and mental issues.

Stress Management

Stress ,Anxiety and Depression are caused when you overthink about events/people.

Cortisol-The Stress hormone is an effective mechanism the body uses as a fight or flight response

However, high level of cortisol hormone for a long time may have its ill effects

This may increase your sugar levels, blood pressure, affect heart health and contribute to low libido.

Moreover, it may add to unexplained weight gain and weak muscles.

This is also known as the Cushing Syndrome


SAD Syndrome- Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Stress management guide

Studies (36),(37)

Eating behavior may cause hormonal imbalance

We are all aware of the ill effects of bad eating behavior

Bad eating habits can often toss your hormonal balances.

Food is often considered rewarding and chosen to improve our moods and emotions.

However, sometimes we often step the line and engage in unhealthy eating habits.

Over a period of time we realize that it has affected our health in the form of illness or obesity

Bad Eating behavior are

  • Eating too much

  • Binging

  • Eating too little

Practicing mindful eating can certainly help you overcome eating disorder

Read - How to know the right eating behavior?


Quit Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol is not required by the body to perform its daily functions

1 gm of alcohol has 7 calories which is as high as 1 gm of fat that is 9 cals

Moreover alcohol in excess can affect hormones and vital organs as well.

Chronic alcohol consumption may affect coordination between nervous, endocrine and immune system.

As a result disturbing your physiological and behavioral levels.

Therefore adding to health disorders like

  • Increased stress levels

  • Infertility

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Weak Immune system

  • Growth defects

  • Cancers

  • Bone disease

The below studies speak about this in detail

Studies (41), (42)

Smoking can be equally damaging and can affect your hormones and overall health.

It causes the release of hormone epinephrine.

This may further provide a "Kick" to the nervous system.

As a result achieve feelings of pleasure and overtime addiction.

However, It may raise the levels of cortisol hormone(stress) in the blood.

As a result increasing your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cancer

It also affects your thyroid hormone levels and pituitary glands

In addition it lowers your metabolism and fertility.

Further, adding up to unexpected weight gain and weak immune system

Smoking may also affect menstrual cycles in women.

Studies (43),(44)

The Summary

Hormonal imbalance is caused due to the fluctuation of growth hormone.

Testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

Non-performance of these hormones may affect overall well being

In other words affecting physical and mental health

Adopting a healthy life style can be one of the best ways for disease management.

If you face these imbalances for a long time its always best to seek professional guidance.

Let us know what are you doing to maintain your hormonal balance

Stay fit stay happy!!

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