Brett Deister
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PC Gaming Industry Revenue Down in 2019 ...

PC Gaming Industry Revenue Down in 2019 and My Best and Worst Games

Feb 07, 2020

In This Episode…

We are already in month two of 2020 and this week I discuss what games I liked from 2019, and why was gaming revenue down in 2019. There are many factors involved and partly because Epic chose to confuse consumers, and, bad games getting released. However, you will have to find out the rest in this episode of Digital Coffee!

Show Notes

  • [01:50] Fallout 76 coming to steam
  • [03:10] Gigabyte releases new motherboards
  • [04:30] Nvidia releases its streaming service.
  • [06:25] Warcraft 3: Reforged is terrible for gamers
  • [08:52] Disintegration impression
  • [10:18] Discord updates
  • [11:10] Top and Worst Games of 2019
  • [21:14] What happened in the gaming industry in 2019

People, Games, and Companies, We Mentioned in the Show

Episode Length: 31:52

Thanks so much for tuning in. Join us again next week for another episode!

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