New levels

Jul 18, 2024

I've added three new levels of support. The first one is for €1, which only unlocks the posts but doesn't give access to Väruld on World Anvil. Then, one that offers the same access as Massive Fan and gets all new and updated articles as a PDF each month. The third also adds physical products to that.

Supporter is the level for those who want to support and receive regular news but don't really use Väruld online on World Anvil.

The Monthly Väruld collection is for those who use Väruld and want all the new and updated articles in a PDF each month. You don't need an account on World Anvil for this, though you can access it there if you like.

All new articles and those updated in some significant way, like rewritten or illustrated, not just spelling errors, will be formatted into a PDF and emailed.

Treasure Chest is for those who really want to support me and receive physical items in return. As for the Monthly Väruld collection, you don't need an account on World Anvil to get something in return.

Twice a year, I will send you a package with exclusive handmade items that are Väruld related in theme but not necessarily stamped with "Väruld" in letters all over it.

I'll ship this to Europe (excluding Russia) and North America only. If you live outside of these areas and want the items, let me know, and I'll check the postage and general safety of arrival in your country.

I hope you enjoy these new levels and find they fulfill your needs. Let me know if they don't.

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