Holger Strøm designed the famous IQlight system in 1973. After more than 50 years, it is still a popular, innovative, and smart design. The IQlight is a self-assembly lamp composed of interlocking quadrilaterals. By utilizing polyhedral geometry, you can generate various shapes and sizes. I created a model of one of the most common IQlight designs, fitting it onto the Catalan solid known as the rhombic triacontahedron. This solid is a convex polyhedron with 30 rhombic faces, making it an ideal structure for an IQlight. I developed a parametric IQlight model in Grasshopper that generates a 3D NURBS model. A Graph Mapper component controls the amount of folding, allowing the algorithm to produce flat pieces ready for cutting and assembly (if you cut 30 copies). However, I plan to further develop this algorithm to include other polyhedral lamp designs.
You can see more at https://www.designcoding.net
#polyhedra #grasshopper #iqlight #3dmodels #catalansolid #digitaldesign #parametricdesign