Parametric Brickwork

Parametric Brickwork

Aug 27, 2024

You might recall this type of parametric brickwork from architectural classics, such as the Programmed Wall by ETH Zurich and Gramazio Kohler Research, or the facade of the Mulberry House by SHoP Architects. Initially, I explored the simplest method for placing boxes on a surface, but this approach didn't yield the correct layout. To improve it, I introduced gaps, which not only liberated the wall's design but also opened up exciting possibilities for manipulating the ""gap"" parameter and brick sizes. In Grasshopper, the main challenge of this definition revolves around the organization and layout of the bricks. These gaps are crucial not just because they lighten the wall, but also because they simplify the calculation of brick positions, eliminating concerns about collisions. The final version even incorporates a portion of my breaststroke surface equation to generate a waving reference surface.

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#grasshopper #buildingfacade #parametricsurfaces #patterns #brick #digitaldesign #parametricdesign

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