ASCII Art in Grasshopper

ASCII Art in Grasshopper

Aug 24, 2024

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses characters from the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) set to create images, symbols, and designs. This form of art involves arranging text characters to form a visual representation of objects, scenes, or abstract patterns. I first encountered this art form in the 90s through readme text files and computer games. Years later, attempting to automate it in Grasshopper was a lot of fun. My initial goal was to calculate the density of Arial letters, the standard font used in Grasshopper. However, this task proved more complex than I expected. So, I found a prearranged set of letters online, organized from darkest to lightest. I could use this set to replace pixel darkness with corresponding letters via a simple Image Sampler operation.

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#tools #grasshopper #patterns #ascii #font #digitaldesign #parametricdesign

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