Hey There!

Nov 29, 2022

If there was a soundtrack to this post, it might be The Rolling Stones, "I Ain't Too Proud to Beg."

Though, to be honest, I think I have been too proud to beg for a couple years now. I'm sure many of you are here because you've heard one of my podcasts, either "They That Hope" or "Speaking With Deacons." Both are labors of love—I don't make any money off of either of them. But there are costs the usual costs involved, such as equipment, software purchases, and of course, time, time, time...

Hey, it is a labor of love! But I'm hoping that, if you also love what I'm doing, you might kick in every once and a while. Like many things in life, we have to prioritize our activities, and when it comes to doing something for free... yeah, that can take a back seat. Especially with a large fam.

But I'd love to do more. More podcasts. More music. More writing. So, if you can help me do that by being a part of this ministry, I'd be grateful!

I know there are those out there who do Internet media like podcasting full time, but this will always be more of a side project for me. That is why I'm not able to offer a lot of "exclusive" content for my sponsors. The goal is to make everything available for free.

However, I'm happy to start dropping some early releases on things. Would you like to watch They That Hope on Tuesday instead of Wednesday? Done. Want to watch all of the episodes of Speaking With Deacons about a book series at once instead of week by week? I can do that. Would you like to hear some demos of the music I'm recording before the final product? Cool! I'll try my best do get you a sneak peek of all of that.

So I hope you can buy me a beer. And if you are ever in Steubenville, I hope I can drink it with you!

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Buy Deacon Bob Rice a beer