We are Back this Fall!

We are Back this Fall!

Aug 11, 2024

Hello family. I wanted to share a brief update on what's been happening with the dbattlespeaks brand, Pastor DeMarquis Battle, and all the associated ministries and business endeavors. Over the last year or two, the Battle family has experienced a lot of changes. We added another edition to the family in our amazing son Jace who is now two years old. He is such a joy, but as you can imagine, he is a hand full to deal with.

We have each grown professionally as new business opportunities and career moves were presented. Raynika is back to work part-time and I continue to serve in higher education as an adjunct professor online. We were able to sell our house by the grace of God and move our family closer to the East Lansing school district, where our children attend.

From a ministry standpoint, we had launched our first church plant, which was a digital discipleship community called The House Digital Church. Balancing that with our online teaching ministry Bible with the Battles was a challenge, but definitely was worth every minute as we saw countless lives impacted across the social media landscape. Shortly into the plant I was faced with a critical decision, which was to pick up a consulting contract at my local church as the campus pastor and director of global expansion. At the time and even now, I felt compelled to serve in this capacity as it was an answer to several prayers, both financially and spiritually.

We have seen so much happen over the last two years including my two oldest children responding to the call of salvation, getting baptized and giving their lives to Jesus. Again, so much good has taken place, but over the last few weeks and even months, I've been feeling like part of the ministry my wife and I started during the pandemic was being abandoned. We sought out to help people experience the presence of God in their homes through sound Biblical teaching, and as we see the state of our families, our communities, and our country, I can but only conclude the answer is Jesus and His Word!

Therefore, through a simply conversation with my wife, we felt it was time to bring Bible with the Battles back. At a minimum we want to begin having times of prayer and encouragement with scripture devotionals. I will begin to upload content from my other times of preaching and teaching. We will also form a broadcast channel on Telegram so that you can experience things in one place. You can join that channel here https://t.me/+A-o9_LpgSoUxOWVh. On Buymeacoffee, we have rebranded this site to be dedicated to Bible with the Battles, and we will restrict content to email notifications and ministry updates. The bulk of the ministry will be conducted on social media and on Telegram.

How can you help? Continue to pray for us and if you feel led, you can partner with us on any of our membership tiers. Each level receives the same amount of content, so don't worry about being short changed. You can also give one time contributions which is termed "Buy me a coffee."

On behalf of Raynika and I, we are so excited to once again help you hear the word, believe the word, and apply the word of God in your life.


Dr. DeMarquis and Raynika Battle

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