August: Active Involvement

August: Active Involvement

Aug 07, 2024

Within you is the power to conquer your impulses. Above your current situation is your goal. If you can escape the lower impulses, then you can harmonize with your goal. - You don't have to be involved with your current environment. No longer should you allow your nature to have active involvement in the state you dislike. Distance yourself from it. We cannot keep our attention on illusions. We have to find the true forms.

We need a completely different mindset to reach a new height. Take yourself beyond.

If you can learn to involve yourself in the process, then you can reach the result. You can achieve the life that you want. And that's not a small fact.

So the question is simple. Are you involved in your problems, in your current struggles? Are you involved in what is happening around you? Or are you immersed in the feeling of the unfoldment of your destiny? Are you involved in the reality of that existence over this one?

Become closer to your destiny by increasing your involvement. Understand that your abilities today are not what they will be tomorrow. Believe that you are where you will be. Your limits will not remain. Learn the vocabulary of that world instead of this one. Keep your mind above and keep involving yourself in the benefits.

All things must conform to an ideal and the ideal is what you are beholding in your mind. Your involvement is moving mountains.

We have everything we need to jump-start our evolution.

The world is not closed.

Opportunities are not being kept from us. You and I must involve ourselves with the new situation and remain in that feeling until it feels more real than the current struggle, for the current struggle is passing and that next situation is arriving. And so what if someone questions your identity? It is not your concern.

You are not here to convince people of your identity, but you are here to walk in it and live according to a higher reality.

We know that we must have boundaries set in place. Ask yourself if you are really separated from your past. Are you still locked into the ideas from before? We must lock our minds and limit those who have access.

If you have confidence in your physical efforts then I must tell you that you are on the wrong path. Your focus is external and you have missed the whole idea. If you compare yourself to another, then you are on the wrong path.

Your power is in your mind.

Your identity is not relative to another, it is absolute. You must take the inner journey and learn to operate in a different way if you want to walk in power. How can you get a different financial situation than you've always had? You have to have a unique involvement with money and financial freedom.

You have to be involved with that reality of wealth until revelation flows. Then you will see your destiny above all things, you will recognize that satisfaction, the completion of your goals, is the priority.

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