There's hasn't been any update around the plugin for quite some time. That's because all team members behind the plugin have been very busy with other projects. But, just a few days ago, we finally had a longer call to discuss next steps.
We decided to first focus on fixing bugs and making Data Populator ready for the latest generation of APIs available in Sketch and Adobe XD. This will on one hand make using the plugin faster and more robust, but will also allow for a dozens of highly requested features.
To keep moving forward, we need your support. We reviewed the work that needs to be done and planned resources to achieve our goal. The required budget is 3.000 € – you can support us with a single payment, by becoming a loyal member or by talking to your company if they're interested in sponsoring in some way.
After going through all our internal notes as well as all open issues on GitHub, we put the essence of what we will be focussing on for the next release into two projects.
We also have plenty of new ideas up our sleeves and we will share sneak peaks here to discuss them with you.
Thank you very much for your support. 🤖